My Birthday Party in 2009

Warning! This post is going to be an explosion of photos!

I celebrated my 28th birthday in October 2009 but didn’t get round to posting it up till now. As we get older we have more and more groups of different friends and I celebrated my birthday with little dinners and gatherings with different groups of friends in October. However, one of the more memorable ones is the little “early” birthday party I threw at 1-caramel for some close friends and special people.

The whole place was reserved and it was a lovely cozy venue with a wonderful catered buffet spread. In addition to having my most treasured friends to spend the evening with me… what more can a girl ask for?

As it turns out that day… the birthday girl (that’s me!) was late for her own party due to some last minute issues with her flight the next day! So I was a little embarrassed to have my guests waiting for me to start!

Unlike the crazy birthday parties of my youth, I wanted it to be a really small relaxed affair. No big effort needed… just an evening’s company with the people that matter to me.

There was a lot of laughter and catching up amongst friends and I’ll like to thank all of you for being there for me always! Friendship is a precious commodity which requires time and effort to allow it to grow strong and in such hectic times  where spare time is hard to find… I’m blessed to have friends that still make that effort to spend it with me. It’s the time spent with people that make us grounded and offer us support.

Some of them I’ve know for decades and still have so much to share with each other while others I’ve met only for months and clicked instantaneously. All of them possessing the unique quality of knowing that people matters more than possessions or positions. To embrace each other for who they are… learning and accepting. My birthday was merely an excuse to have them all around for a meetup.

It’s odd but a lot of my closest friends have moved out of Singapore to seek their fortunes elsewhere and even among this group of friends there are a few that would be moving in the near future. But I’ve been lucky to be able to maintain my friendship over long distances and I hope that I’ll have such strong bonds every birthday to be thankful for.

After everyone had their fill of food and drinks it was time for the cake! And I have to say that this has got to be one of my favorite birthday cake.

All my favorite brands consolidated in one cake! And everything is edible!

There were tons of cameras snapping as they sung me my birthday song and I made my wish before blowing the candles out. My camera was handled by Clara that day which gamely took over the role of the official camera woman since I was busy catching up with everyone.

A few snapshots with the guys…

And then with my lovely ladies!

Of course there were lots of lovely presents from my dearest friends as well. I haven’t showcased everyone’s presents here as there’s too many… from bags to makeup to books to vouchers to champagnes and wines… I love and appreciate them all! Just for the sake of sharing… I’ll just randomly picked a couple of photos here.

Sushi gave me a the very same coach wristlet I was thinking of getting sometime back. For some reason we always end up liking the same things!

Lots of beauty products to keep my skin moisturized for those frequent travels.

A Che Che bag from Bernice… I haven’t used it yet but I think it’ll be great for keeping the ang pows during this coming Chinese New Year.

The most creative gift award goes to Ben for taking the effort to compile so many of my favorite hobbies into a mix-up of cake box presents.

Time for everyone to have a slice of the birthday cake!

It was really rich dark chocolate cake… absolutely sinful!

The cake toppings was made of sugar craft and was to pretty to be eaten so I took photos with them and brought them home. The pastry chef said that as long as I keep them in a cool dry place in room temperature, they’ll actually last indefinitely.

The night ended around midnight or so as I had to catch an early flight the next morning. But I had a lovely birthday celebration. Thank you my dear friends for making me feel so blessed. For your love and generosity, I would like to dedicate a poem to you and to those whom were unable to make it that night but sent their greetings from afar.

As we walk our path in life,

we meet people everyday.

Most are simply met by chance,

but some are sent our way.

These become special friends,

who’s bond we can’t explain –

the ones that understand us

and share our joys and pain.

Their love contains no boundaries,

so even when apart,

their presences still embraces us

with a warmth felt in the heart.

This love becomes a passageway

where even miles disappear.

And so these friends life sends our way

remain forever near.

Those viewing via fb won’t be able to see the video… you’ll need to go to



  1. January 25, 2010 / 12:53 am

    Oh my goodness! I’ve seen such “branded”cakes on flickr before which are inedible. I never knew we could get such cakes here in Singapore. It’s really really pretty and if I were you, I can’t bear to eat it too. Hope you keep them everlasting in some cool and dry place.

    Yor photos are so beautiful. The colour contrast and all makes it seem like you havea professional PG wit you on your birthday. LoLz~~

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:42 am


      Thanks dear. This cake is totally edible… just that it’s gonna be way to sweet to eat those sugar toppers! I did have a pro PG with me that night… but he came as a guest rather than to take the photos.

      PS – You can always send your lappy for a quote to see if it’s worth repairing.

  2. January 25, 2010 / 12:53 am

    Oh my goodness! I’ve seen such “branded”cakes on flickr before which are inedible. I never knew we could get such cakes here in Singapore. It’s really really pretty and if I were you, I can’t bear to eat it too. Hope you keep them everlasting in some cool and dry place.

    Yor photos are so beautiful. The colour contrast and all makes it seem like you havea professional PG wit you on your birthday. LoLz~~

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:42 am


      Thanks dear. This cake is totally edible… just that it’s gonna be way to sweet to eat those sugar toppers! I did have a pro PG with me that night… but he came as a guest rather than to take the photos.

      PS – You can always send your lappy for a quote to see if it’s worth repairing.

  3. January 25, 2010 / 12:55 am

    Sorry for the many typo. My few months new laptop keys are pretty insensitive. In the course of typing this and the previous comment, I’ve to backspace many times to retype. =(

    Makes me wonder if I should send it for repairs.

  4. January 25, 2010 / 12:55 am

    Sorry for the many typo. My few months new laptop keys are pretty insensitive. In the course of typing this and the previous comment, I’ve to backspace many times to retype. =(

    Makes me wonder if I should send it for repairs.

  5. Pinky
    January 25, 2010 / 2:31 pm

    Hi karen, what was the damage like to reserve your birthday venue? Thanks!

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:48 am


      It depends on the type of food you choose to cater for your guests… number of guests… duration of stay. We were there from 6pm till 1am so it probably cost a little more. You can call up 1-carmel to ask. I usually liaise with Melanie.

  6. Pinky
    January 25, 2010 / 2:31 pm

    Hi karen, what was the damage like to reserve your birthday venue? Thanks!

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:48 am


      It depends on the type of food you choose to cater for your guests… number of guests… duration of stay. We were there from 6pm till 1am so it probably cost a little more. You can call up 1-carmel to ask. I usually liaise with Melanie.

  7. January 26, 2010 / 7:07 pm

    happy belated birthday, renzze : ) you are very blessed.

    pretty cake, it’s a pity the wax of the yellow candles ran down the sides. where was it made? rich dark chocolate cake sounds marvellous, yumm.

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:51 am


      Thanks! Everyone was busily snapping photos so the candles melted really fast! The cake’s from 1-caramel and it was sort of a surprise for me cause even I didn’t know what sort of cake they were going to design. The pastry chef made all the decisions after finding out my likes and dislikes.

  8. January 26, 2010 / 7:07 pm

    happy belated birthday, renzze : ) you are very blessed.

    pretty cake, it’s a pity the wax of the yellow candles ran down the sides. where was it made? rich dark chocolate cake sounds marvellous, yumm.

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:51 am


      Thanks! Everyone was busily snapping photos so the candles melted really fast! The cake’s from 1-caramel and it was sort of a surprise for me cause even I didn’t know what sort of cake they were going to design. The pastry chef made all the decisions after finding out my likes and dislikes.

  9. Yan
    January 26, 2010 / 10:39 pm

    I liked the poem 🙂 We’ve been friends for like forever and it’s great that we’re still celebrating your 28th bday together !!!

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:52 am


      Yes… time flies! It’s always comforting to know that there are people who have seen you growing and changing and will still be there for you!

  10. Yan
    January 26, 2010 / 10:39 pm

    I liked the poem 🙂 We’ve been friends for like forever and it’s great that we’re still celebrating your 28th bday together !!!

    • January 27, 2010 / 11:52 am


      Yes… time flies! It’s always comforting to know that there are people who have seen you growing and changing and will still be there for you!

  11. deedee
    January 27, 2010 / 8:09 pm

    i totally love the video ^^ it’s a really nice documentary of the intimate birthday gathering with your friends! *heart*

    • January 27, 2010 / 9:00 pm


      Thanks dearie. =)

  12. deedee
    January 27, 2010 / 8:09 pm

    i totally love the video ^^ it’s a really nice documentary of the intimate birthday gathering with your friends! *heart*

    • January 27, 2010 / 9:00 pm


      Thanks dearie. =)

  13. Janice Shermaine
    February 1, 2010 / 11:08 am

    We all love u n i love u too! Looking forward for your birthday this year 2010 where we will all still be here for u! ~ love this post alot~ 🙂

  14. Janice Shermaine
    February 1, 2010 / 11:08 am

    We all love u n i love u too! Looking forward for your birthday this year 2010 where we will all still be here for u! ~ love this post alot~ 🙂

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