Netherlands Dreaming

Netherlands Dreaming

[left] [/left][right]               [pipdig_padded_text padding=”90″]   Is it the Netherlands or is it Holland? What is the difference? [/pipdig_padded_text]         [/right] Is it the Netherlands or…

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Snapshots of February 2013

Snapshots of February 2013

I can’t believe it’s March already! I’m 1/4 into the year and it feels as if my year just started. Here’s a look at how I spent February 2013. Here I am at the Helsinki Airport in…

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Snapshots of January 2013

Snapshots of January 2013

Here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on in my life at the start of this year! I started my New Year with a bang overseas in San Francisco, USA and Hong Kong. I…

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Travelling with some essentials from Watsons

Travelling with some essentials from Watsons

I’m currently logging in from a small little cozy cafe in the fashion district of Amsterdam. I’ll be away for another month and before embarking on my trip, I managed to get some essentials from…

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March 2012 Instagram

March 2012 Instagram

Sharing you the instagram collective from March 2012. Taking the dogs for their Sunday adventure.   At the infinity pool of the oasia hotel #oasiahotel   An apple a day… Or maybe more! #oasiahotel   Good Day…

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