Singaporean flying from Melbourne Australia to Singapore via VTL

Singaporean flying from Melbourne Australia to Singapore via VTL

It’s been an incredibly long time since I sat down to pen a post on this site. If you have been following me on my social media platforms, you’ll realise that I’ve not been that…

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My Lockdown Journey in Melbourne

My Lockdown Journey in Melbourne

To say 2020 is a tumultuous roller-coaster ride would be a bit of an understatement. Nine months ago, it felt that all that we could think and talk about was the climate crisis and how…

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First Hike at Werribee Gorge State Park after isolation

First Hike at Werribee Gorge State Park after isolation

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, I’m sure you know what’s been going on. We are all not feeling great about 2020. It’s the weirdest year, and we have all experienced disruptions to our…

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A snapshot of my thoughts at the start of 2020

A snapshot of my thoughts at the start of 2020

Hello, Year 2020! Hope you guys had a fantastic start to the new year. Can’t believe that it’s been two decades since Y2K. I started my morning, brushing my teeth while having my Google Home…

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Tian Yuan Xiang Chicken Essence ( 田原香滴鸡精 ) Review

Tian Yuan Xiang Chicken Essence ( 田原香滴鸡精 ) Review

Drinking chicken essence is a right of passage growing up as an Asian kid. Most parents will throw one bottle of chicken essence to their child around examination periods for a spurt of energy in those…

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2019 Resolutions

2019 Resolutions

I took my time to think about what I wanted for myself in 2019. In 2018, I forwent making resolutions and focused more on intentions instead. It helped me shape what I wanted for 2019…

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December 2018 – Life updates as the year comes to a close

December 2018 – Life updates as the year comes to a close

I can’t believe it’s already December 2018 and another year is swiftly coming to an end. Honestly, my world is a little shaken up right now. There are so many things happening behind the scenes…

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We all feel lousy sometimes

We all feel lousy sometimes

It’s already mid-June! Gosh, I can’t even believe that half the year has passed.  There’s so much I’ve accomplished in the past six months, and so much more I want to do. Unfortunately, I’ve been a…

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Gaining perspectives

Gaining perspectives

[left] [/left][right] [/right] [pipdig_banner image=”” parallax=”yes”] When I was younger, I wanted it all. I want everything and I want it now or maybe even, yesterday. I believe that I could do it all as…

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Health truly is Wealth

Health truly is Wealth

[left] [/left][right] [/right] Can you say that you have really taken steps to maintain your health? Health is wealth. We hear that all the time but sometimes our daily choices seems to contradict that. I’m…

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