Blog Updates

Just realised that my site looks absolutely terrible with IE!!! All the pictures are distorted! I did some corrections on the pictures of the recent posts… it’s smaller but if you click the pictures you can get the full size.

Though if you have a choice to use firefox to view my site it’s highly recommended!



  1. Carol
    December 14, 2006 / 3:42 pm

    Hi,this is my first comments in ur blog.
    Wanna comment on how cute ur dog is! I’ve got a Golden Retriever here with me and he’s 1 yr old! Cant emphasize on how much fun he’s filled up my live with hehe..
    anyway, isit possible to leave contact details of the Japanese hair salon which u frequented last time? I’ll be visting Toyko ard Jan n thought i’ll drop by for a hair-do or something.. any shopping areas which are highly recommended? TIA!

  2. December 14, 2006 / 3:48 pm

    Golden Retriever was one of my choices when getting a dog but as I’m rather petite I was afraid that I couldn’t handle a big dog physically so i opted for a med breed. Would love to see pics of your dog… maybe can meet up my Louis for some play catch!

    As for the jap salon addy… I’ll email it to you in just awhile =)

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