Yard Sale Reminder

Here’s my last reminder for the yard sale happening this Sunday 8th November 2009 from 10am to 5pm! The place to be at is 11 Lorong Siglap S(456805).

If you need a map click here.

You can expect lots of shoes, accessories, clothes, old and pre-loved ones. There’s nail polishes from www.nailvibe.com and clothes from starglace.livejournel.com so you can check out their sites too!

For the guys, there will be household items, electronics, TV, comics and video games on sale too!

Here’s a preview of some of the pre-loved items I’m letting go that day. There are tons more but I’m not putting everything up here.

There are lots more but I took these pictures for preview cause I had them on hand.

Come join us and hopefully you’ll find something too! I’ll probably be shopping that day for stuff too!



  1. deedee
    November 5, 2009 / 7:00 am

    how i wish i can join u gals!! how i wish i can go there and sell my plenty of preloves too!!! but but but… my test is keeping me so tied up… =/ all the best for your sales and sushi’s! 😀

    • November 5, 2009 / 5:01 pm


      I haven’t seen you for the longest time! You are missed!!! When it’s holiday time for you we’ll meet k?

  2. deedee
    November 5, 2009 / 7:00 am

    how i wish i can join u gals!! how i wish i can go there and sell my plenty of preloves too!!! but but but… my test is keeping me so tied up… =/ all the best for your sales and sushi’s! 😀

    • November 5, 2009 / 5:01 pm


      I haven’t seen you for the longest time! You are missed!!! When it’s holiday time for you we’ll meet k?

    • November 5, 2009 / 5:02 pm


      I’m selling a light blue version of that cardi and the yellow long tube in that pic.

    • November 5, 2009 / 5:02 pm


      I’m selling a light blue version of that cardi and the yellow long tube in that pic.

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