Womb Care with Mary Chia

Some time early this year, my friend, Melva, asked me if I would be keen to go with her to try out Mary Chia’s newest womb care treatment. I wasn’t sure what to expect but I was game to learn more.

With many celebrity endorsements, Mary Chia has long been established in the market as a beauty and slimming specialist. In recent times, they are also exploring treatment avenues to cater to all types of issues women faces. One of the most important yet neglected part is our wombs. To be honest, I haven’t thought much about womb care before this treatment and felt that it was something catered towards women who were trying to get pregnant or have just given birth. I fall in neither category. Yet, after a short consultation with Yvette Chiang, Group Senior Manager of Mary Chia, I realised that Womb care is important for all women going through all phases of their lives. This is especially so if you have irregular periods, painful periods, water retention issues or any hormonal imbalances. I have my periods quite regularly but I do get obvious water retention and air in my lower abdomen before and after my period arrives.

After consultation, I was led to a sophisticated thumbprint recognition locker area to keep all my belongings and to strip and change into their robes.

Every step of the way was guided by the therapist assigned to me.

The photo above was taken in the treatment room before I began. The first part of the treatment is a “tui na” massage of the abdomen with specially concocted blend of herbs and essential oil. The Mary Chia womb treatment is a combination of techniques originating from Indonesian, Thai and Chinese methods of womb care.

The massage techniques together with the blend of herbs is able to help increase blood circulation to the womb area, promote the body’s detoxification and regulate your body’s cycle.

After the massage, a herbal mask was applied to my entire body. The mask is not only good for the womb but great for the skin in general. To improve the effectiveness of the mask and to flush out all the toxins that are trapped in the body, they brought me to a sauna room to sit while being covered in the mask.

If you look closely at the photo, you can see that I’ve been cling wrapped with the body mask on. This is a one person sauna and as part of the treatment, I had to sit there naked to sweat it all out. I’m no stranger to saunas and had my fair share when I went Finland for holidays but this is probably the first time I’ve sat in the sauna with a body mask on. The heat opens up the pores allowing better absorption of the herbs from the mask.

The therapist came to check on me from time to time to see if I can withstand the heat. I placed a wet towel over my face and it helped me breathe better in the heat.

A quick shower after to wash off the mask and that completes my treatment process.

I didn’t feel much different at all after the treatment but I noticed that when my next period came, I had less cramps on my first day. This may be too much information for some people but my period blood was bright red. According to Yvette, that’s a healthy sign and if period blood is dark or even brown, it shows that your body is not renewing itself properly or efficiently.

It’s quite interesting for me to spot these changes as I don’t normally have any cycle issues and didn’t expect there to be any results after doing the treatment for just one time. Of course, depending on individuals, effects may only show after a course of treatments.

Nevertheless, I learnt a lot from this treatment and will focus on taking care of my lower abdominal and womb better.

This treatment is available at

Mary Chia 

183/185 Goldhill Centre
Thomson Road
Singapore  307628
Tel:  6250 7949


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