Winner Of ClubCouture Contest

I posted a ClubCouture contest sometime back ( details here) and thank you all for participating. Some of you sent me emails instead of posting the comment on the blog. I appreciate you all sharing a bit of yourself and what you like about with me. This is the first time I held a contest on and I wish I could give everyone a prize. Unfortunately there can only be one winner. If the response is good maybe I’ll be able to do up more contests next time!

And now for the winner!

Congratulations to Ivy Yeo.

You win this brand new lovely Lindsay Black Dress in size S  from ClubCouture‘s current collection worth SGD59! I’ve informed ClubCouture of your winning and you should receive the dress shortly.

Ivy’s innovative use of a poem to convey her thoughts caught my eye. Kudos to you for being so creative.

Here’s her entry:

I was led to through Les Dames
A fashionista clad in beautiful ensembles of silk, chiffon, cotton and lame
Caught my eye and my breath she took
Went to her blog and I was hooked
What Renzee is wearing today?
Chloe, Bebe or Hermes whatever be it may
She looked stunning anyway

Fashion, food, travel, adventure and life
Her posts are interesting and variety is rife
Despite her claims of being an amateur
Her Canon entries reveal depth worthy of an author
How else can a picture a thousand words tell?
Love, action and energy they spell
Emotions evoked they capture so well

Endless are what I like and some reasons I may miss
What matters most is the lady she is
Ashley has beauty, brains and substance
She leads a life full of passion and abundance
Infectious is this zest of hers
Inspires she does readers like us
An avid visitor of this blog I am thus.

I must confess I love all things pretty and nice
Online shopping is not my sole vice
Shuttling between Singapore and Suzhou is a bore
Managing a company is my chore
Reading is my reprieve for brain clogs
Induced by stress from toil and slog
Panaceas are they: books, magazines and blogs.



  1. February 9, 2010 / 12:26 am

    Wow! Thanks Ashley for picking my entry. Club Couture is indeed fast. I have already received a notification from them. Super cool.
    Please allow me to mentioned this on my blog and draw reference to your blog for this dress.
    Once again, this has made my day.

    • February 9, 2010 / 12:45 am


      Sure babe!

      Happy early CNY and Valentines Day!

  2. Cheryl Poon
    February 9, 2010 / 9:36 am

    Renzze : You have made your blog very fun to follow up with this contest thingy. Though I may not join in the contest but as a silent reader, it was definitely exciting too : ) All The Best Renzze : )

    Congrats To Ivy too : )

  3. February 9, 2010 / 3:35 pm


    Thanks! I think my readers should get some perks every once in awhile… lol. Will do more freebie should time and opportunities allow.

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