Whooga Ugg boots

I know it’s winter season and a lot of my readers are going to be off visiting gorgeous places around the globe in cold regions. A common question I get asked about is my rainboots. I love them to bits but they aren’t the most warm ones. If you want really warm and really comfortable boots for walking, then I recommend WhoogaUgg boots.

Thermo-fleece boots are preferred by countless of celebrities and this has got to be one of the most comfy and toasty boots for the winter and spring seasons. It’s great for travel because you can walk hours on end and in my opinion it looks bets with tights or jeans. In fact, it’s so comfy some people never take them off or choose to wear any other types of boots.

And during the filming of many tv series and movies such as Gossip girl or The Ugly Truth, most of the actresses/actors are not in heels but in fleece boots!  And if you want to be as comfortable as they are, Whooga Uggs boots are the warmest most luxurious sheepskin boots available.

I’ve gotten my black UGG from Australia previously but now I’m eying on a new pair of Whooga Uggs in  pink or brown ones. And recently, http://www.whooga-eu.co.uk has kindly offered my readers a 10% discount for their boots! For a limited time only, use the discount code 752RENZZE !!!!

And to add a cherry on top of the cake, they are  running a giveaway to everyone that signs up to their newsletter (here’s the link ). They will draw boots for the winners at the end of each month and it’s open to everyone in all countries.



    • xiaowonderland
      November 7, 2010 / 1:39 pm

      @Renzze i can’t resist the Whooga Ugg boots. I just place my order online. :p

      • November 8, 2010 / 5:48 am

        @xiaowonderland hope they’ll keep ur feet warm and toasty this winter season!

    • xiaowonderland
      November 7, 2010 / 1:39 pm

      @Renzze i can’t resist the Whooga Ugg boots. I just place my order online. :p

      • November 8, 2010 / 5:48 am

        @xiaowonderland hope they’ll keep ur feet warm and toasty this winter season!

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