White Water Rafting in Bali

As you all have read in my previous Bali trips, I’ve always gone white water rafting when I’m there cause I think it’s one of the things you absolutely cannot miss!

We woke up real early to travel all the way to get to the starting point in the mountains. Bali has quite a number of rivers and rafting companies. I’ve tried a few rivers and I most prefer the Telaga Waja on the foot hills of Mount Agung. This river is slightly further from the main hotels and commercialized regions so the water is cleaner and fresher.

We got all suited up with life vests and safety helmets. Pass us our ores and we were ready to go!

This guy here was our video man and he canoes sole down the white water to catch us in action!

And below, we have our rafting guide who seem like he was high on magic mushrooms! He was hilarious, singing and joking around the whole day! We were easily the nosiest raft around. He even made us wait around some bends so we could ambush and splash water at other passing rafts!

We were able to bring some money and our camera in a waterproof bag along with us in the rafting adventure but it’s impossible to take picture while working the river. We did however, get to use the camera for some shots when we got of at a mid point of the river to take a break.

We bought us a round of Pocari drinks and Daryl started to do Pocari advertisements! Lol. You have to watch the video to see that!

Off we go again! To overcome more rapids, low bamboo bridges and a 3 m high drop!

In no time we came to our end point and had to bade farewell to our guide.

Sushi wore white everyday for the entire Bali trip!!!

The ending point was a pretty padi field and we had to walk up a couple of hundreds of stairs to get to our lunch venue.

Seated in a little hut, we had our buffet lunch while enjoying the view of the mountains, padi fields and river.

There were rest rooms to change and wash up. I just put on new dry clothes over my bikini and waited till I got back to the resort to bathe.

Bali has all sorts of fruits, vegetables and trees because the volcanic land is so fertile! Just standing there, I spotted a cocoa tree and a durain tree!

Most of us slept on the way back to the resort cause we woke up so early and exerted so much energy for the white water rafting. I did wake up a few times to catch cute herds of ducklings though.

Here’s the video of the water rafting adventure.

For those viewing this post on FB, please watch the video at www.renzze.com



  1. October 26, 2009 / 12:36 pm

    Lol… For the first pic, your smiles look synchronized!

    • October 26, 2009 / 7:55 pm


      Lol… I just noticed it too!

  2. October 26, 2009 / 12:36 pm

    Lol… For the first pic, your smiles look synchronized!

    • October 26, 2009 / 7:55 pm


      Lol… I just noticed it too!

  3. Jessica
    December 16, 2009 / 3:31 pm

    Hi renzze, I’m planning to go water rafting in bali next year and I’d like to know from which company did you book the tour from. ^^

    • December 16, 2009 / 7:59 pm


      You can contact my driver, Magum at + 62 (0) 8123 – 761 977

  4. Jessica
    December 16, 2009 / 3:31 pm

    Hi renzze, I’m planning to go water rafting in bali next year and I’d like to know from which company did you book the tour from. ^^

    • December 16, 2009 / 7:59 pm


      You can contact my driver, Magum at + 62 (0) 8123 – 761 977

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