Wedding Bliss

I’ve regretfully missed quite a number of weddings these past 2 months due to bad timing on my part. But I do wish all the newlyweds a lifetime of happiness.

I did, however make it to my cousin’s wedding. And I actually met Yan & Melvyn at the dinner as well! Turn’s out that Melvyn and the bride went to school together. What are the odds right? Singapore is just super duper small.

I also managed to attend my dearest Sushi’s ROM after party! She was absolutely glowing with happiness and so was Daryl (the lucky guy!).

Sushi dress was very pretty with the square neckline and intricate beads… I loved her lace gloves most of all but didn’t manage to catch a picture.

They threw the party at their family’s residence which was really cool cause they had such a nice pool. I love the floral arrangements especially the floating flowers with candles… such a romantic ambience.

It was a shame Celeste couldn’t make it due to a sudden twist of events. Here was our ROM gift for Sushi.

I thought of Sushi and her fairy tale come true when I saw this and had to get it for her! I’m so glad she loved it =)

Oh and I wore my fave blue ribbon on my hair.



  1. October 21, 2008 / 10:39 pm

    have u ever looked ugly in yr life?gosh…i think never. =)

    U r blessed

  2. October 21, 2008 / 10:39 pm

    have u ever looked ugly in yr life?gosh…i think never. =)

    U r blessed

  3. October 22, 2008 / 4:10 am

    Thanks for being so sweet. I’m really flattered. I wish that were true but I do have my ugly duckling moments as well. Beauty is fleeting… and it’s also extremely subjective… so I try to focus more on my choices in life and in building the sort of qualities and values I admire… hopefully when I’m older I will age with wisdom rather than looks.

  4. October 22, 2008 / 4:10 am

    Thanks for being so sweet. I’m really flattered. I wish that were true but I do have my ugly duckling moments as well. Beauty is fleeting… and it’s also extremely subjective… so I try to focus more on my choices in life and in building the sort of qualities and values I admire… hopefully when I’m older I will age with wisdom rather than looks.

  5. jo
    October 27, 2008 / 11:36 am

    U look absolutely stunning! Where did you get the blue dresses you wore to sushi ROM and your cousin’s wedding?

  6. jo
    October 27, 2008 / 11:36 am

    U look absolutely stunning! Where did you get the blue dresses you wore to sushi ROM and your cousin’s wedding?

  7. Iryn
    October 29, 2008 / 11:39 am

    I love reading ur blog =)
    U have so many nice clothes & bags *envy*
    that was sushi’s house or his hubby’s ? it’s so big & nice !!
    Btw sushi got a blog too ?

  8. Iryn
    October 29, 2008 / 11:39 am

    I love reading ur blog =)
    U have so many nice clothes & bags *envy*
    that was sushi’s house or his hubby’s ? it’s so big & nice !!
    Btw sushi got a blog too ?

  9. October 29, 2008 / 3:00 pm


    thanks. The dark green dress I wore to my cousin’s wedding is from ASOS and the blue dress I wore to Sushi’s ROM is from F21.


    Thanks for reading =) It’s sushi’s hubby’s family house… it is very nice. Unfortunately sushi doesn’t blog.

  10. October 29, 2008 / 3:00 pm


    thanks. The dark green dress I wore to my cousin’s wedding is from ASOS and the blue dress I wore to Sushi’s ROM is from F21.


    Thanks for reading =) It’s sushi’s hubby’s family house… it is very nice. Unfortunately sushi doesn’t blog.

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