Walk into Watsons and out with a new product

Most times I can’t help myself. I see a Watsons at every corner and whenever I walk in, I always walk out with something to try. It’s a terrible habit but one I dont’ see changing anytime soon. I’ve asked a couple of girlfriends and it seems that I’m not the only one with this issue. We are a spoilt generations with a million products being created every second to cater to our every need and one of the biggest culprits is the beauty industry. It doesn’t help that Watsons brings in most of these choices and are found at almost every corner!

So here it is, the items that I walked out with this time round. I decided to give Loreal Ever Sleek Hair Care Range a try. My hair is now at that irritating length where it’s neither short nor long. Every day is a battle where I have to decide if I should snip it short and manageable again or to ignore and continue to let it grow beyond this irritating stage. I love my hair short and I love it long. I just can’t stand this in-between stage where it curls above my shoulders. Hopefully my new buys will tame the ends better.



  1. Xiaoxiao
    October 13, 2012 / 5:17 am

    Me too! Always go watsons must buy something. But I don’t like their service sometimes.

    • October 19, 2012 / 9:02 am

      Xiao Xiao,

      I guess its the same with all sorts of shops nowadays, service industry always have a high turnover rate and some part-timers don’t have a good service attitude.

  2. Xiaoxiao
    October 13, 2012 / 5:17 am

    Me too! Always go watsons must buy something. But I don’t like their service sometimes.

    • October 19, 2012 / 9:02 am

      Xiao Xiao,

      I guess its the same with all sorts of shops nowadays, service industry always have a high turnover rate and some part-timers don’t have a good service attitude.

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