Velvet and Roses Spa Party

I should have done this post eons ago but the last few months have not left me with much time to sort photos and blog. As promised though, change is underway and hopefully in another month or so, I’ll have time to actually sit down, gather my thoughts properly and catch up on blogging. For now, I’m still doing the late night “watermark photos until I collapse”or “type as much as I can before I rush out” routine. I’m grateful to my readers and sponsors for still reading and supporting Renzze even in periods like these when I’m inconsistant.

Anyways, back Irene aka Moonberry, who threw this really awesome spa party at Mary Chia. Before I continue any further, please note that at least 80% of the photos in this post belongs to her. I threw the photos (my own and hers) into a folder and in the dead of the night, I happily let my robotic side take over and I ended up color correcting & watermarked everything instead of sorting which belonged to who first. Thus, please direct all your praises for these wonderfully taken photos to her!

If there is anyone that knows how to throw a party, it’s got to be Irene. The theme is Velvet and Roses and before the event she even did up mood boards so everyone could be inspired to dress up. It did the job so well that everyone that came carried the red and black mafia chic theme to a T!

Great food, drinks and company were the tip of the iceberg. Eunice and I were pampered with a superbly relaxing massage just minutes after we arrived! The massage was so relaxing that we almost fell asleep and missed the rest of the party. Its a good thing we didn’t because Irene had so many things up her sleeves for us.

Everyone had a make over session by makeup artists specially brought in by Irene. They did a wonderful job with my eye makeup and I loved how the red eyeliner and red lipstick gave my look that extra edgy feel.

Mingling around, catching up with Elaine and Irene over some bubbly was a wonderful way to spend the weekend.  Thanks for all the good times and if you want to know more about Irene, do visit her blog at

*Note to Irene : Thanks for the good times and for having me at your party. Its been quite awhile but I haven’t forgotten about it. Your Mafia Chic theme rocked!

Thanks also to all the sponsors for the awesome goodie bag I received.





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