
I just got on Twitter after a close friend convinced me to give it a go. It’s not as silly as I thought it would be =) So if you’re twitter hook me up! I’ve put up a twitter update on my sidebar as well.

It’s the 5th day since I fell sick and for once I actually feel that I’m on the road to recovery! So back to work I go… I hate it when things start piling up! My voice is not totally back yet so friends if you receive a husky voice on the line… you know it’s me.



  1. jac
    April 19, 2009 / 12:39 am

    Where did you get this outfit from? Love the design & the colours combi.

  2. jac
    April 19, 2009 / 12:39 am

    Where did you get this outfit from? Love the design & the colours combi.

  3. April 19, 2009 / 12:43 am


    The dress is from Tsumori Chisato. =)

  4. April 19, 2009 / 12:43 am


    The dress is from Tsumori Chisato. =)

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