TWG Tea Session

Most people I know have long tried TWG tea time sets and I keep seeing photos of their food popping up on my instagram feed. But this tea session with Regina and Yitian at Marina Bay Sands is probably the first time I’ve tried their tea set. I’m generally crowd phobic and Singapore may not be the best country for someone like me to head down to the city. TWG always have really long queues and thus I have never bothered to give them a go. The only reasons why I’ll head down to town on a weekend is either because of friends or because I have an errand to run that cannot be done in the suburbs. I guess I was lucky that MBS wasn’t too crowded on that Sunday we went for tea.

Conclusion? While I love TWG’s wide selection of aromatic teas, I feel that their tea set is overhyped. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not terrible and the scones are quite nice. It’s just that I would not queue for this tea set. I would only consider having tea sessions at TWG if I could waltz right in and order.

I was intrique by their dinner menu however, so maybe if I had to meet friends there or if I ever go pass a TWG that has an immediate slot during dinner time, I could give it a go.


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