Traveling with Hitachi Hada Crie Cool and other tips

This post was written by me on 19th April 2013 and am simply reposting it here on my blog.

Hey Hey!

In my last post I promised I’ll share some tips and things that I’ve learnt from this gadget so here I am.

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Firstly, I want to highlight that the Hitachi Hada Crie Cool is super portable. I travel a lot! In the last 6 months I’ve been to Australia, Malaysia, New Zeland, Hong Kong, USA, Holland, Coppenhagan, Lativia, London, Finland (up to lapland), Japan, China. It’s been a crazy time for me and sometimes I’m away for months so being able to schedule a facial is almost impossible for me. Hada Cire Cool is a godsend in that way.

Since I had my hands on Hada Crie Cool about 3- 4 weeks ago, I’ve been to 2 countries, China and Japan. In each of my travels, I brought the gadget with me to use and I found that it could also be used as a very clear indication of the air pollution level in the countries I visited. ( I can’t believed I saved the cotton pads to bring back to Singapore and compare! Just for you guys!)

Before I show you how that happens, I’m gonna show you what happens to the cotton pads when I use it to clean my skin in Singapore.

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My cotton pads were really dirty when I first started using Hitachi Hada Crie Cool. In the above photo, it shows how dirty my face was when I used the gadget for the 2nd time. However, through consistant use, the cotton pad became less and less dirty and now you can only find very small specks of dirts and the cotton is not even as brownish.

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This photo was taken after about 2 weeks of using the Hada Crie Cool consistently and before I went for my trips.  The cotton pad (above) on the left is the result of using Hada Crie Cool on cleansed face that had foundation on for the day and the one on the right is cotton that has been used on cleansed face that had no foundation on that day. You can tell that the cotton on the left is slightly dirtier because foundation cannot be completely removed with makeup removal and manual cleansing alone.

In all fairness, I rarely use any BB cream or foundation and I only use foundation when I have photo shoots or big events that require me to be extravagantly dolled up. In both my travels, I didn’t use foundation and only applied sunblock powder. As such, I will be comparing my “travel cotton pad” against the “In Singapore, without any foundation” cotton pad.

The first country I travelled to with the Hada Crie Cool was China. And boy was I glad I brought along this awesome beauty gadget.

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Can you see how polluted China is and how it affects your skin!!! The cotton pad on the left (above) was used with Hada Crie Cool on the 2nd day of my trip and the gadget was able to remove so much trapped dirt in my pores. I came back from my China trip with slight tiny oil bumps even though I used Hada Crie Cool on most nights. I really can’t imagine if I didn’t have Hada Crie Cool with me. It’ll have been a major breakout for my super sensitive skin.

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The cotton pad above was taken after using Hada Crie Cool on the first day I came back to Singapore, I was so disgusted by it that I hurried myself to a facial appointment. It took about 5 days for my skin to normalize and produce the same cotton pad results as the ones I had before I went to China. Of course wanting to follow the progression of my skin motivated me to use Hada Crie Cool religiously everyday.

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About a week later, I headed to Japan to view the Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) in bloom and once again I brought Hitachi Hada Cire along. (pictured above in my hotel room in Japan)

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As expected, Japan is really clean! The cotton pad (above) on the left was used with Hitachi Hada Crie cool on the 3rd day of my Japan trip. I also used the machine on the 2nd day but I lost that cotton pad =X

The results were quite similar to the control cotton pad I had used in Singapore. My camera wasn’t good enough but if you look carefully on the cotton pad with a magnifier, you’ll see some black dots but overall, it was only very very slightly dirty.

There’s the proof that the environment pollution is a strong factor in causing our skin to get clogged up. In many cases, there is no way you can control your environment.  If you have to go to China for  business, you can’t very well use ‘I don’t want to get bad skin’ as a reason to dissuade your boss from sending you there. So do the best you can do is to protect your skin with anti-pollution products, deep cleanse your skin, moisturize (cause China air is also very dry) and use gadgets like Hada Crie Cool to draw out the dirt trapped in your pores. The Hada Crie Cool moisturize function will increase hydration and the Cool Aesthetic function will help to close your pores, preventing more dirt from getting in as well.

Other tips I’ll like to share with you on the Hitachi Hada Crie Cool are these:

1. If you have sensitive skin like mine, choose low setting for the intensity. The high setting causes some redness for me.

2. In the photos above, I was using regular cotton pads but just recently I switched to better quality double stitched cotton pads and I find that it’s much better because it won’t fray when you rub it on your face.

3. Please be generous with your solutions when you apply it to the cotton pad. You dont want a dryish cotton pad to be abrasive on your delicate skin. In fact, it’s absolutely okay to top up the cotton pad with more toner or lotion if you find that it has dried up during your cleaning or moisturizing process.

4. My face turns red when the weather is very warm or if I’ve been under the sun. The Cool Aesthetic mode does wonders at cooling my skin down.

5. Another awesome way to use the cool aesthetic mode is to tap very very gently  on your eyes when you wake up with bloated eyes due to lack of sleep or water retention.

6. Always use the device in an upward motion on your face to increase the firming effect that massaging your face gives. You can use downward motion for your nose.

7. You don’t need to use all 4 functions at the same time all the time. Customize the modes base on what you need most and what amount of time you have allocated to pamper your face. On most days I’ll just focus on cleansing and moisturizing.

8. Usually after I apply a sheet facial mask, my face will be filled with essence that has not be completely absorbed on my skin. I’ll use the micro pat mode on the gadget to increase the absorption rate.

9. Sharing is caring and I share this device with my hubby as well. He has dry skin and the moisture mode works wonders for him. But just to be safe, at the end of each of our usage, I’ll insist on cleaning the device with an alcohol wipe to maintain the hygiene.

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10. My last tip to you is to make a point to use the gadget consistently. Women being women, we get excited with new beauty products or gadgets and would use it religiously for awhile. Soon we get bored and find it troublesome or want to move on to greener pastures. Well, with the Hada Crie Cool, it works but you too need to maintain the consistency to see results. I have to admit that on some nights, even an additional 15 minutes to devote to this device can feel like asking too much. But once I see the dirt on the cotton pads and my face being all hydrated, I know it was 15 minutes well spent.

Hope you enjoy using your Hitachi Hada Crie Cool!



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