To Dear Santa

Dear Santa and friends,

I’ve been a very good girl this year. This list of items I would love to be surprised with this X’mas =)

P/S: Frends and secret santa :
Don’t worry if what you wanna get me is not on the list since it’ll also help give a rough gauge of the kind of stuff I fancy.

1. I’ve always love H & M tops and dresses but recenty I’ve been going crazy trying to get my hands on H & M’s Victor & Rolf collection. The dresses… the red flare skirt and the tops especially caught my eyes.

* got a Victor and Rolf dress! Not from this collection but I love it! *

The normal H & M dress would also make me very happy!

2. I would love clothes from Wetseal or from Forever21 such as these. I wear the smallest size avaliable!

2. Paul & Joe’s 2006 Christmas Collection Press Powder Set in 001 Pink/Silver

3. Suspenders with or without shorts. Just like this one from Forever 21. *got it*

4. Isetan vouchers

5. Beautiful bag charms like the ones from FayFay

6. Yummy cakes! I love those from N.Y.D.C or sweet secrets or coffeebean…

7. Andy Lee’s Makeup Book – Starlicious

More abt it here! Andy Lee’s Book * my sweet sweet secret santa got this for me!*

8. NARS orgasm! Heard so much raves that makes me wanna try!

9. I’m craving for a few items from Demalogica now. They can be found at Leonard Drake Skin Care Salons or at the best skincare online store that gives free shipping !

These are the times I want!
– Multivitamin power recovery® masque

– Anti-bac cooling masque

– Ultracalming cleanser for face and eyes

P/S:I will update this list if I have new wants!


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