Time Lapsed Photography

I’m sure some of you might have read about my little car accident some time back. While my car was being held in the workshop for repairs, I rented a Nissan Latio to drive till my repairs was complete. These are some photos taken on a drive along PIE on the last day of my rental. It was one really cloudy day and these pictures have been slightly twitched to bring the mood of the weather that day.

It was a long drive at peak hour and I decided to experiment with the concept of time lapsed photography. I’m sure most of my blog readers that have been following my blog have seen quite a number of videos I’ve put up in my previous post. Well, this video is slightly different. The whole clip is actually made up of photos; no video camera involved at all! A series of photos taken at 10 second intervals of my drive on the PIE and then strung together into a clip so it looks like a “fast-forward” version of my drive. I find the whole concept rather intriguing and might try this idea on another subject some other time. Meanwhile, enjoy the view of the front seat of my rented car while I drive.


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