{Throwback Thursdays} Godson Lysander a year ago

I’m currently in Maldives and other than enjoying the gorgeous sun, sand and sea, I’m also in the midst of planning how to bake, cream and decorate my Godson Lysander’s birthday cake for this weekend. He’s celebrating his 1st birthday this Sunday and it astonishes me how fast time has passed. Just one year ago he was born as a tiny little infant and now he’s a chubby little boy that is constantly giggling. In fact, it was only after I dug out all these photos that I realised how small he used to be and how short my hair still was when he was born.

In honour of my Godson turning one, I dedicate this week {Throwback Thursdays} to showcase photos taken almost a year ago when Lysander was born and his one month old celebration. Even though it’s been slightly less than 12 months, it’s quite interesting to see how much everyone has changed as well!

I remember clearly that Godson Lysander was born just before I went my trip to Brunei and I first saw him within hours of his birth. After my trip, one of the first things I did was to visit my dearest friend, Sushi and her new born son Lysander. He was such a fragile little baby then.

His first month celebration was an intimate affair celebrated by close friends and family at their home.

Daryl and Sushi played great hosts with great food, drinks and laughter.

I remember at the party that there was a huge clay-pot of pig trotters in vinegar that was specially made for Sushi and she urged all of us to help her finish eating it as she was sick of eating confinement food.

I also remember eating at least 2 to 3 red eggs that day because most of the guests forgot to eat or take them home.

Even though it was Lysander’s big day, his big brother (and my other Godson), Leo, was always stealing the spotlight with his many active expressions and cute remarks.

Lysander actually slept through most of the party. How he could sleep so serenely and happily with the din we created around him will forever be a mystery to me. Daryl and Sushi are really lucky to have two adorable and charming boys and I’m proud to be their Godma.

Since this post is a tribute to Lysander, I need to flood it with more of his photos! Hopefully when he grows up (and I turn into an ancient), my blog will still be around as an archive for his cute photos.

From Godma Karen & Godpa MM to Lysander:

“We love your brown eyes
We love your button nose
We love your messy morning hair
and your teeny, tiny toes
We love your big bright smile
and your little pearly whites 
(We counted 3 at the moment)
We love your pointy chin
and your silky smooth skin
We love your long little fingers
and your chubby little cheeks
We love your ducky crawl
and your never ending mumble
We love it when you sing
and start splashing your hands about
 We love it when you giggle
snuggled in our arms
We love you with all our hearts
no matter what it may be
Sometimes we love for no reason
and sometimes just because you are our sweet little Godson.”

If you notice the length and colour of my hair, you’ll also figure out that this outfit of the day shot is taken a year back on the same day that I attended Lysander’s 1st month party.

Vintage 1970s Sunglasses: myjotterbook

Dress: Liz Lisa

Belt: Ching

Earrings: Chanel

Watch: Cartier

Bag: Hermes

Shoes: Fendi

Thank you for reading and taking a trip down memory lane with me.


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