There is too little time in life to dwell on the bad

I just got back from dinner and already a whole lot of happenings has occurred in my tag box as well as email. Just to address my thoughts about it once and for all.

To my dearest friends and blog readers:

Thank you for jumping to my defense without a moment’s thought. I’m blessed in life to have you all as my guardian angels. There is no way anyone can be perfect or to have everyone like them. I know that a long time ago… and I feel that there is no need to prove myself to any one. Someone once told me that you are considered lucky if you have one or two true friends in your life. I must be extremely lucky
for I have enough to last me a few lifetimes.

To jess: Thanks for trying to defend me… but i deleted your comment as I still do wish to keep some parts of my life private… and what job I’m doing or how my lifestyle is does not make me who I am… I have my own feelings and thoughts… not dictated nor should it be judged by status or money. There are always better people out there… I do not want others to compare themselves to me nor I to others.

To vector: Thanks also for defending me… but I will also delete your comments cause there is too many bad vibes around… fighting over such a small matter is not worth it. I will also not release les ip address to you as I wish no ill to any one. Forgive and forget… and life is better for everyone.

To les:

I agree with you that everyone has an issue or a problem… so do I but it is not any in which you have stated. Thank you for visiting my blog… reading my posts and visiting my shop. Although you are a complete stranger to me you have spend a fair amount of time trying to psycho-analyze my real life personality. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you have taken up quite a bit of air time here… it would be nice of you to continue your thoughts about me or other people in your own personal blog for your own readers as I do not wish my friends to get upset on my behalf. It’s always easier to point fingers and pre-judge people then to look at ourselves or to give others the benefit of the doubt… I am personally guilty of that myself… so thank you for the lesson I learned…

My general thoughts:

It is really sad to see that many gals have locked their blogs or moved to a different address due to criticizing comments especially coming from those who only think they know you. Already I can count a handful of people whom I personally know that is afraid to go swimming or dancing in public for fear of how people might think of them. I too have a flabby tummy and am an extremely short girl. I’m average looking at best. But so what!

Beauty comes from our actions… from being able to touch others with our kindness of speech and in little ways in our everyday life. Beauty on the outside will fade but your kindness will be remembered forever. Don’t be afraid of how you look like or how society judges you… you should live the moment for it is no one’s life but your own. Girls should not succumb to surgery or diet pills just to be good enough to show your face in public and show your support to others… there is no need bring them down by planting seeds of doubt.

As for WuChaCha, I model cause it is just a hobby business… to share my passion for clothes and unique finds. I select the merchandise to sell based on my personal preference… I don’t target the perfect girl and you won’t look like a supermodel just by wearing those clothes… but if you just want to wear what real girls like me wear without breaking your bank, it is a good option.

Lastly, let us stop all these negative words and sow seeds of compassion to the next person we come across… virtually or in real life. Life is too short and the community especially here in Singapore… needs to learn to embrace each other. Words can hurt or heal… use them wisely.



  1. April 15, 2008 / 2:28 am

    This was my first time here, so I missed out on all the excitement, but maybe that was a good thing! I had noticed that I could no longer read several women’s blogs I’d begun following, so I’m very glad you’ve kept yours open … and your attitude open as well! I’ll be back to read more!

  2. Yan
    April 15, 2008 / 2:24 pm

    Reading your post makes me take a step back and analyse my life for a bit… Yes it’s true how people judge others without even knowing them and some opinions and words that are hurled out of ignorance can be hurtful. I must admit that I am guilty of it, but I never mean for my thoughts to harm anyone or make them feel inferior.

    As for Les, I am rather appalled at how insensitive you can be. What is wrong with anyone who wants to enjoy life and at the same time, share their happy moments and findings with friends? To say all that you did was not only hurtful, but also juvenile and disgusting.

    I am glad that Karen is a strong and independent individual who will not stand for criticisms that are neither just nor fair. This is something I must learn from her and thank you for this important lesson. More often than not, I always look for ways to overcome my shortfalls and I must admit I don’t always look in the right direction. What Karen has posted jolted me back in a ‘healthier’ direction and a more positive outlook in life; what it has given, and what it will continue to offer.

    Life IS short… so enjoy the moment and make it count by touching others with your life. Dwell not on the bad; and hold on the good times…

  3. deedee
    April 15, 2008 / 5:36 pm

    omg i haven’t been reading bogs for a while but someone told me abt this just now… i dunno why anyone would wanna flame dear karen cos she’s indeed one of the sweetest person on earth that i’ve ever known!

    yes karen posted quite a lot of stuff but truth is i really enjoy reading all these, and i’m sure many other readers of this blog would agree too. she posted but nv boasted or bragged… so what is wrong with this bad-vibe person going around saying such mean things to such a sweet gal? i really cannot understand why ppl hv to be so mean to one another, furthermore to such a sweet person that u didn’t even know. >:(

  4. April 16, 2008 / 2:32 am

    Bremda: Thank you for your encouragement.

    Yan:Hey babe, haven’t seen you for awhile… we’ll meet up soon… maybe somewhere end may for louis and emmie’s b’day party!

    deedee: You must be busy preparing for your big day! I’m both touched and surprised that you still found time to leave a comment when you are so busy yourself. I’ll see you soon babe.

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