The Revolution Will Be Fabulous

Ever wondered what will happen if women decided to enter the war business?

We’ll all have to look pretty in specialized streamlined body suits ala Laura Croft and be busy outbidding the different fashion powerhouses for our weapons of mass destruction. Chanel No. 5 Perfume will be a standard military issue… together with Hermes white silk scarfs and Burberry Trench Coats.

Ah… such fantasy….

Recently there was an exhibition at Gallery 1988 in LA for Peter Gronquist show casing his fashion designer weapons! Talk about how terrorist use counterfeits to fund their campaigns! This will show you in the most literal terms.

Still, I can totally understand the allure. If I had to rob a bank or bring down my enemy’s tank. Throw me the Channel Rocket Launcher or LV Murakami Rifle and I’ll show how to do the job in style!

(pictures credits to Gallery 1988)



  1. May 26, 2008 / 4:41 am

    Loved the Gucchi peacock assault rifle! Now that’s fashion with an edge!

  2. May 26, 2008 / 4:41 am

    Loved the Gucchi peacock assault rifle! Now that’s fashion with an edge!

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