The Hossan Leong Show 2009

Nope, there is no error in the title. I’m aware it’s already 2010 but regular readers would know that my posts are incredibly backlogged. In fact one of my new year resolutions is to catch up on blogging. I’m away so often it’s hard to blog consistently. Sometimes it’s an everyday thing and sometimes you’ll seen an update once a week. I usually try to schedule posts while I’m away so friends and readers can still catch up on what I’ve been up too even though I’m too far and to busy to be online.

Speaking of which, I will be away again for the whole of January. I’ll be putting up my away banner soon. And while there will be new posts appearing, my replies to comments and emails will be slow since I generally only reply work and immediate family when I’m away. Do keep your comments coming though… I love hearing from you and I will eventually reply to the comments once I’ve time on my hands.

Now back to the Hossan Leong Show I attended in 2009.

It was held in The Drama Centre at the National Library and before the performance we had a quick bite at the Hans located just outside. I haven’t had Hans in many years now but the Aglio Olio I had was pretty nice. I honestly don’t remember Hans having nice spaghetti or maybe only the Aglio Olio is good? The last time I had Hans was eons ago with Bernice at Far East Plaza and that was because we shopped for her wedding stuffs till it was too late and most of the stores were already closed.

This was the clapper given during the show among other freebies. If you missed it in 2009 there will be another Hossan Leong show in 2010. I’m a huge fan of local acts and went even though live mock talk shows aren’t exactly my thing. I found some songs pretty creative and entertaining though I can’t peg this as one of the better shows in 2009. But since it’s hes’ first I guess some leeway is to be given. Hopefully the 2010 version is bigger and better.

Here’s a video intro of his show.

After the show we headed to Raffles city for some ice-cream. I ended ordering the Ben and Jerry’s Thick Shake in my favorite flavor, Strawberry Cheesecake.

I drank the whole thing down in one go! Slurrrrrrrrp! It was fantastic! In fact thinking about it sends a craving to my tastes buds now! It’s the best thing ever and usually I sip my shakes cause they tend to make you really full but with this one… I finished it and wondered why there wasn’t more!

And as for my outfit of the day… here you go! Work wear… I love the details of this dress.



  1. HossanLeong
    January 6, 2010 / 1:14 pm

    @Renzze Thanks for the support! We will definitely try to make it a better show this year!

  2. HossanLeong
    January 6, 2010 / 1:14 pm

    @Renzze Thanks for the support! We will definitely try to make it a better show this year!

  3. Min
    January 7, 2010 / 9:40 am

    Happy New Year to you. So where will you be heading to?

    • January 7, 2010 / 9:30 pm


      Lol… quite a few places in different countries!

  4. Min
    January 7, 2010 / 9:40 am

    Happy New Year to you. So where will you be heading to?

    • January 7, 2010 / 9:30 pm


      Lol… quite a few places in different countries!

  5. Cheryl Poon
    January 7, 2010 / 10:17 am

    Hi Renzze
    Having to travel often must be tiring and rewarding at the same time.
    Reading your blog has been a daily routine for me too.
    You have very lovely scenic pictures, fantastic food sharing (not literally ;p) + lovely outfits all in one blog. What can one ask for 😉
    Take care and have a great year ahead 😉

    Your work wear has the wow factor!!! I love it!!!

    • January 7, 2010 / 9:32 pm


      Thanks for your encouragement and sweet words. I do enjoy travelling and seeing the world… but everything comes with its pro and cons and these days time and rest are just really precious commodities.

  6. Cheryl Poon
    January 7, 2010 / 10:17 am

    Hi Renzze
    Having to travel often must be tiring and rewarding at the same time.
    Reading your blog has been a daily routine for me too.
    You have very lovely scenic pictures, fantastic food sharing (not literally ;p) + lovely outfits all in one blog. What can one ask for 😉
    Take care and have a great year ahead 😉

    Your work wear has the wow factor!!! I love it!!!

    • January 7, 2010 / 9:32 pm


      Thanks for your encouragement and sweet words. I do enjoy travelling and seeing the world… but everything comes with its pro and cons and these days time and rest are just really precious commodities.

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