The Good Ole Days

Not too long ago, I received a press package with the cutest contents! All the memorable games from the kampung era!

There were marbles (gohli), bottle caps, parachuting toy soldiers, Chapteh, mini toy car,etc! How many of them can you recognize?  Some of them were really nostalgic and some of them were probably games from my parents time.

If you look closely however, you’ll realise that the bottle caps are actually lip balm pots!! What an awesome design! And each of them actually has the corresponding flavour as well. I totally LOVE it and so did almost everyone I showed it too. As usual, this cool design is from Lip Smacker! One of the brands everyone is familiar with for cool lip balms.

It’s available at S$6.90 each and small enough to bring everywhere. Lip balms can be fun too! I’m pretty sure you can find it at Watsons.

While I had fun with my flavoured lip balms, Louis had fun transforming one of the retro toys, an inflatable paper ball, into a beach cap!



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