Templar Park Waterfall

As you read this post, I’m probably already out of Singapore. I’ve already scheduled posts so you can still check back here everyday for new posts and content! As you can see, I’m trying really hard to keep up with my multitude of travel and photos! Email replies and comments will be slow but as usual I’ll try to get back to it.

Continuing from where I last dropped off, we climbed up till we found a secluded spot with a section of waterfall that we didn’t have to share with anyone else! The sound of the forest with the rushing sound of water was really calming. After the hike up, the water was so inviting, we couldn’t resist going in for a dip!

I really wished I had brought along my swimsuit so I could go for a splash in the water instead of wading around with my trek pants rolled up. There were some deep pot holes so I had to feel really carefully where to wade. I also pretty much avoided them by climbing all around the slippery rocks which was quite a risk since if I slipped I’ll be totally drenched!

We spent quite some time there resting, chatting, splashing, taking photos and trying out funny poses.

The water was cold but not freezing which was perfect for wading in on such a hot humid day. The water was also surprisingly really clear with just a few baby fishes here and there.

Everyone had a great day and I look forward to spending more time with Celynn and Andrew when we head to Bali later this year! Having long distance friends can be a little harder to maintain but they are such nice people and even though I don’t meet them as often, it always feels right!

We must have taken a dozen or more photos at the waterfall. But since I didn’t bring a tripod, I had to take more in case there were many blury shots. And I’m quite happy that a large portion of the photos were really nice even though we had no tripod and the camera shutter had to be opened longer than usual to capture the full effect of the cascading waters.

We even manage to do a really corny waving gif photo! Hehe!

I was incredibly reluctant to leave to cool comforts of the icy water but it was time to catch brunch and feed my poor tummy.

I slipped on a rock and almost fell when I was coming back down but I guess girls generally have a pretty good sense of balance and I shifted my center of gravity just in time to avoid the catastrophe.

One last parting shot of Andrew helping Celynn take her picture on his phone camera.

And if the pictures aren’t enough for you, here’s a short video as well.



  1. June 15, 2010 / 6:18 pm

    OMG! you travelling again…. u seems very busy this year… 🙂 Do take care of your health… 🙂

    • June 20, 2010 / 7:04 pm


      Thanks for the concern. Yes, it’s been quite a crazy schedule these 2 years.

  2. June 15, 2010 / 6:18 pm

    OMG! you travelling again…. u seems very busy this year… 🙂 Do take care of your health… 🙂

    • June 20, 2010 / 7:04 pm


      Thanks for the concern. Yes, it’s been quite a crazy schedule these 2 years.

  3. June 15, 2010 / 6:44 pm

    The cascading waterfall is so so so nice… 🙂 Barh…

    • June 20, 2010 / 7:04 pm


      You can go take photos too! So much nearer to you then to me.

  4. June 15, 2010 / 6:44 pm

    The cascading waterfall is so so so nice… 🙂 Barh…

    • June 20, 2010 / 7:04 pm


      You can go take photos too! So much nearer to you then to me.

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