Tea with my sister

Another really long post with lots of photos! My sister loves taking photos too!

My dearest little sis wanted to treat me for a high tea buffet as a long overdue present I never collected since I was running about! She decided on Carousel at Royal Plaza on Scotts.

I headed there straight after my meeting to meet her and we were early! I think the buffet only starts around 3pm. Thus, we ended up camwhoring in the ladies room. LOL… my sister loved the deco and would want her room to be decorated in similar fashion! I too loved contrast of the deep red wall paper with gold mirrors.

Janice is really creative with her photo angles and was happily asking me to pose here and there while she played around with the mirror reflections. She was using the camera I bought for her last year!

Tried to make my classic Chanel shift dress into a different look with a belt. Which look do you guys prefer? With or without the belt?

My darling sister in action!

I took tons of pictures for her too!

Loved the stain glass dome ceiling at the hotel lobby.  I’ve never noticed it before even though I’ve been there quite a few times.

There were also some pretty illustrations on display for sale. I didn’t know photographs weren’t allowed and took one picture before I was stopped by the art gallery staff.

Finally it was buffet time. We didn’t realised how suddenly there was a massive queue waiting to go into the restaurant! It was quite ridiculous considering that most people in the queue had reservations! Why rush if you know that you are guarantee sitting?

The spread of food was pretty substantial considering that it’s supposed to be high tea buffet and not lunch. They had main course as well as desserts!

I ordered myself a glass of iced lychee tea and promptly settled in.

My sister loves the seafood and the local delights offered so I told her to eat more! And since I can’t take any of the seafood I kept asking her whether it was good, all the while wishing I could try them for myself!

Here’s her appetizer plate!

Janice says I look way too serious in photos so she asked me to do the kawaii peace sign… but I still ended up a little stiff. I guess being in a serious meeting just hours before set the mood for the day for me.

We spent the whole time catching up on each others lives. Relationship, work and all sorts of topics. I’m kinda glad we aren’t the sort of sisters that know each other only on the surface and only give each other the low down on the superficial aspects of lives. Some people are simply sisters due to blood relations and I try not to let us fall in that category. It’s weird but it’s the little brutal honest advices and private jabs at each other that builds that invisible closeness and trust. We don’t have to be spending a lot of time with each other all the time but when we do, it’s always quality time. I undertake the “big sister” role pretty seriously but these days I try to let her grow without depending on me.

Soon it was time for desserts. I had a couple more of my favourite Pie Tees before sharing the mashmellow and fruits chocolate fondue with my sis.

Next thing on the agenda was shopping!

I had quite a few things to get and some presents to shop for. It seems that I tend to have for friends with birthdays on the 2nd half of the year!

Janice and I each bought a long hand-phone lanyard from Gucci and my sis was thrilled with her purchase! Lol. She’s such a Gucci fanatic, I never understood why.

She bought a royal purple one while I got a sweet heart pink one. I’ve been looking for one so I can sling my BB over my neck when I drive instead of looking all over my bag for my phone whenever it rings. Great for going out for suppers as well, since I usually don’t bring out my bag. Just some cash and my phone.

Tried some outfits at Juicy Couture as well. My sister loves the pink chair in their spacious dressing room.

Gosh! I was totally wiped out by the time I was done. Shopping’s gotta be as tiring as a gym workout!

My sister was happily laughing and snapping un-glam candid shots of me while I was out side Ngee Ann City trying to pack my purchases together so I had less bags to carry! I was like the paper bags lady!

Managed to remove some bags and move things around so that eventually I only had 3 bags! Yay! That was way more manageable but it was just as heavy! I had red strap marks on my shoulder from all that loot!



  1. September 12, 2009 / 12:40 am

    Hi Karen,

    I’ve not been to Carousel for any meals yet but i intend to go for the high tea as it’s on my list. Recently i’m quite into high tea & been going around to try different ones @ various hotels.

    And i like the pictures taken by you & your sister =) Seeing your pictures gives me an idea on the variety for picture taking! Lots of nice spots and i’ll definitely go the washroom to take a look… I didn’t know it’s so nice =)

    • September 12, 2009 / 2:30 pm


      I think it pretty value for money for a high tea though I haven’t tried their lunch or dinner buffet yet. The washroom that we went is on the 2nd floor, up the flight of curved stairs.

  2. September 12, 2009 / 12:40 am

    Hi Karen,

    I’ve not been to Carousel for any meals yet but i intend to go for the high tea as it’s on my list. Recently i’m quite into high tea & been going around to try different ones @ various hotels.

    And i like the pictures taken by you & your sister =) Seeing your pictures gives me an idea on the variety for picture taking! Lots of nice spots and i’ll definitely go the washroom to take a look… I didn’t know it’s so nice =)

    • September 12, 2009 / 2:30 pm


      I think it pretty value for money for a high tea though I haven’t tried their lunch or dinner buffet yet. The washroom that we went is on the 2nd floor, up the flight of curved stairs.

  3. September 12, 2009 / 12:52 pm

    i love that photo with you beside the mirror while your sister is reflected inside the mirror! i think i will go without the belt. i have a ‘belt or no belt’ question to ask too! i think i will carry my belt around like you and put it on or take it off at different times of the day.. 😀

    • September 12, 2009 / 2:42 pm


      The mirror photo with my sister is my favorite as well! This dress was meant to be worn without a belt, which is really comfortable. But I usually keep a black belt in my car cause belts on dresses can easily change the look of the outfit without much hassle. Considering how petite I am, I would usually drown in dresses that haven’t been altered to fit but sometimes a belt can make such a significant difference by taking in all the excess that it saves me the trip to the seamstress!

  4. September 12, 2009 / 12:52 pm

    i love that photo with you beside the mirror while your sister is reflected inside the mirror! i think i will go without the belt. i have a ‘belt or no belt’ question to ask too! i think i will carry my belt around like you and put it on or take it off at different times of the day.. 😀

    • September 12, 2009 / 2:42 pm


      The mirror photo with my sister is my favorite as well! This dress was meant to be worn without a belt, which is really comfortable. But I usually keep a black belt in my car cause belts on dresses can easily change the look of the outfit without much hassle. Considering how petite I am, I would usually drown in dresses that haven’t been altered to fit but sometimes a belt can make such a significant difference by taking in all the excess that it saves me the trip to the seamstress!

  5. September 14, 2009 / 8:07 pm

    that is true but you also have to consider that the dress bunches up when you belt all the excess cloth in! the bunching up can be pretty unsightly. i push all the bunched up parts to the side of my dress and pretend they don’t exist.

    • September 15, 2009 / 10:48 pm


      lol… you’ve gotta spread out the cloth all around. Especially for those self-conscience about their waist, putting them all to the side of the dress sometimes might make your width bigger.

  6. September 14, 2009 / 8:07 pm

    that is true but you also have to consider that the dress bunches up when you belt all the excess cloth in! the bunching up can be pretty unsightly. i push all the bunched up parts to the side of my dress and pretend they don’t exist.

    • September 15, 2009 / 10:48 pm


      lol… you’ve gotta spread out the cloth all around. Especially for those self-conscience about their waist, putting them all to the side of the dress sometimes might make your width bigger.

  7. September 14, 2009 / 10:58 pm

    wow, tis post really makes me feel like flying back Singapore now for the good & comfort food in SIngapore….. 🙂 btw, how much you bought the gucci hand-phone lanyard? I feel like buying too…. 🙂 It’s getting to the end of the year le, and it’s the time to shop to reward ourselves…… hahahaha…..

    • September 15, 2009 / 10:52 pm


      I can’t remember the exact price of the lanyard cause I bought a few items together but I’m pretty sure it was less then $200. You should wait for the end year sales!

  8. September 14, 2009 / 10:58 pm

    wow, tis post really makes me feel like flying back Singapore now for the good & comfort food in SIngapore….. 🙂 btw, how much you bought the gucci hand-phone lanyard? I feel like buying too…. 🙂 It’s getting to the end of the year le, and it’s the time to shop to reward ourselves…… hahahaha…..

    • September 15, 2009 / 10:52 pm


      I can’t remember the exact price of the lanyard cause I bought a few items together but I’m pretty sure it was less then $200. You should wait for the end year sales!

  9. Yan
    September 16, 2009 / 4:54 pm

    I believe you had altered the dress quite significantly, so don’t think there’ll be much excess cloth anyway. I prefer the outfit with the belt 🙂

    • September 17, 2009 / 4:29 am

      Yan, yup… I always have to alter my clothes to fit!

  10. Yan
    September 16, 2009 / 4:54 pm

    I believe you had altered the dress quite significantly, so don’t think there’ll be much excess cloth anyway. I prefer the outfit with the belt 🙂

    • September 17, 2009 / 4:29 am

      Yan, yup… I always have to alter my clothes to fit!

  11. September 16, 2009 / 5:12 pm

    haha, my logic is that my arms and bag can cover the bunched up parts at the side 😀 of course, i’m deluding myself.. a little.
    looking at this dress reminds me a little of the blair lace dress from Target. did you manage to get it in the end?

    • September 17, 2009 / 4:30 am


      I couldn’t get my hands on the lace dress! It was out of stock the day it was released! They called it the table cloth dress! lol…

  12. September 16, 2009 / 5:12 pm

    haha, my logic is that my arms and bag can cover the bunched up parts at the side 😀 of course, i’m deluding myself.. a little.
    looking at this dress reminds me a little of the blair lace dress from Target. did you manage to get it in the end?

    • September 17, 2009 / 4:30 am


      I couldn’t get my hands on the lace dress! It was out of stock the day it was released! They called it the table cloth dress! lol…

  13. September 19, 2009 / 4:53 pm

    Haha, yeah I heard! I also heard the quality is really lousy and the real thing supposedly looks like a dismal copy of the preview picture. Well you are lucky you didn’t manage to get it! 😀

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:00 am


      Oh really? I guess they didn’t use good materials. A friend of mine ordered a trench from that series so I’ll get to see it when it arrives. Now I’m eying the Christopher Kane for Topshop series.

  14. September 19, 2009 / 4:53 pm

    Haha, yeah I heard! I also heard the quality is really lousy and the real thing supposedly looks like a dismal copy of the preview picture. Well you are lucky you didn’t manage to get it! 😀

    • September 20, 2009 / 1:00 am


      Oh really? I guess they didn’t use good materials. A friend of mine ordered a trench from that series so I’ll get to see it when it arrives. Now I’m eying the Christopher Kane for Topshop series.

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