Tea time @ MOF

After lunch with Ben at Ikea, I headed down to meet Kelvin and Bernice for Tea at MOF. Ben was invited to join in as well. Bernice was still pregnant with Arielle then =)

MOF Japanese desserts are really not bad. I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to have on the menu cause everything sounded pretty appealing but I was so full from lunch. Here are the pictures of the desserts we ordered.

And here’s Kelvin’s Sushi… lol

After tea, Ben had to go off so I hung around with Bernice and Kelvin for some camera lens and supermarket shopping before having dinner and heading over to their place.

I got to see Bella their dog… it’s been so long since I last had her over my place for a play date with my dogs and she’s grown much bigger! But still as white and as cute. She’s always so playful and excited when she sees me. I guess she can smell Emmie and Louis’ trademarks on me! She must miss Emmie… her childhood playmate.



  1. December 16, 2009 / 3:05 pm

    bella is very cute! so are the watermelon shapes in the icecream.

    • December 16, 2009 / 7:58 pm


      Bella’s fur is really white! I guess their whitening shampoo is doing a great job.

  2. December 16, 2009 / 3:05 pm

    bella is very cute! so are the watermelon shapes in the icecream.

    • December 16, 2009 / 7:58 pm


      Bella’s fur is really white! I guess their whitening shampoo is doing a great job.

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