Taiwan – Lunch in the Gorge

I know a couple my readers emailed me about Taiwan or Hualian. Unfortunately it got sent to my spam mail and I accidentally permanently deleted them. I only saw the titles and never even got  a chance to read the message. So if you sent those emails, please resend them or I won’t be able to reply.

Remember I told you we stopped to pick up some bento sets? Well, our driver stopped us at a park next to Taroko Gorge visitors center for us to enjoy our lunch. There was actually some Taiwan variety show filming going on behind us while we ate.

The food was pretty good (either that or I was really hungry) but I found the local version of homemade picked chilli extremely spicy and tasty which went nicely with the food.

After lunch we explored the visitor’s center for a bit. It shows you the Taroko Gorge habitats and history.

As promised, here’s the video of the 1st part of my Hualian trips… a consolidation of all that I’ve posted so far on Hualian.


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