Alpacalypse Crazy Moments

It’s already the 3rd week of the N.E.mation! 8 production period and everyone is rushing to finish up their clips. Here, you see me with team Alpacalypse #NE8C01 mascot, the Alpaca! He’s wearing a scarf…
View PostIntroducing my N.E.mation! 8 team – Partta Kappa

You’ve met my cute N.E.mation! 8 team Alpacalypse, now meet my cool team – Partta Kappa #NE8C06 from School of the Arts (SOTA). I’ll give you a brief overview and introduction of this team so that…
View PostIntroducing my N.E.mation! 8 team – Alpacalypse

As I mentioned in my previous post about N.E.mation! 8, I am going to be supporting and following 2 of the N.E.mation! 8 finalist team closely during their production phase. Let me do a brief…
View PostN.E.mation! 8

Sometime ago in August, I blogged about N.E.mation! 8 and was asking students to form teams to register and participate in the journey. Fast froward to 3 months later, I’m standing in the production site…
View PostN.E.mation! 8 – It's your turn to win a trip to USA!

If you’ve been following my blog for some time now, you’ll know that I’m a big fan of N.E.mation! which is a digital animation competition organised by Nexus for youths to express their thoughts on Total…
View PostHow about an ipad or a Xbox for you?

Remember N.E.mation! 7 and all the hard work that the teams have put into it? Well, the animation clips are finally out and ready for viewing!!! (I’ve been waiting to see the teams’ clips for…
View PostTop 10 memorable facts of my N.e.mation Teams

There were so many stories and moments I've learnt and experienced through both my NE7 student teams in the 3 weeks of production they had. Here are my top 10 memorable things i've learnt about…
View PostEveryone needs a little sugar sometimes

I'm currently sitting by a window with the view of Lake Tekapo, New Zeland thinking of my N.E.mation 7 teams as I write this post. Before I left Singapore I managed to head down to…
View PostAn interview with ShiNyGirls

The 2nd week of the N.E.mation production has come and gone so quickly. I went down to the site to check on ShiNygirls and was delighted to find that they have settled down comfortably with…
View PostYarney Barney and ShiNyGirls

In my last post, I shared a little with you about what N.E.mation 7 was about and now I would like to introduce to you the 2 teams out of the top 10 teams that…
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