N.E.mation! 9 – A look behind the scenes

Well, if you are hoping to get a sneak peak to the animation storylines of my N.E.mation teams, Chunky Monkey and Higher Than You, you’ll be sorely disappointed to know that I can’t give any…
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I’ve been a part of the N.E.mation! competition for a few years now and it still gives me a nice tingling thrill whenever I meet my teams. This year, my teams are Chunky Monkey from…
View PostN.E.mation! 9 {Higher Than You}

You may have read my last post about my participation in N.E.mation! 9 this year and my first meeting with Team Chunky Monkeys (#NE9C04) and if you haven’t, you really should! In this post, I’ll…
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