Swim Day

Took the outfit pictures after swimming so my hair was still wet.

All I want to do after swimming is always to eat a hearty meal and then go to bed! I know that kinda defeats the purpose of swimming but I get so hungry then sleepy.

Unfortunately for me, I had to pick up some items I reserved from Juicy Couture that day so I put on my blue dress and drove to town for the pick up.

I really like this pair of slippers though I’m not sure if it’s too teeny bopper for me. I don’t wanna end up looking like a late 20s woman still trying to cling on to her sweet 16 youthful days.



  1. anastasiazen
    September 29, 2009 / 4:10 pm

    hey babe, i think the JC’s slippers is cute….i dun think is too young for u…it’s just right….how much iszit? :p

    • September 30, 2009 / 6:46 am


      Thanks! It’s not too ex… about SGD100++… I can’t remember the exact price cause I bought it together with a few other items.

  2. anastasiazen
    September 29, 2009 / 4:10 pm

    hey babe, i think the JC’s slippers is cute….i dun think is too young for u…it’s just right….how much iszit? :p

    • September 30, 2009 / 6:46 am


      Thanks! It’s not too ex… about SGD100++… I can’t remember the exact price cause I bought it together with a few other items.

  3. September 30, 2009 / 7:48 am

    LOLz… Renzze, u know, your blog really set me into “buying moods” recently…… hahahaha….. the slippers is nice…… 🙂

    • October 1, 2009 / 4:40 am


      Whoops! Don’t turn into a shopaholic like me!

  4. September 30, 2009 / 7:48 am

    LOLz… Renzze, u know, your blog really set me into “buying moods” recently…… hahahaha….. the slippers is nice…… 🙂

    • October 1, 2009 / 4:40 am


      Whoops! Don’t turn into a shopaholic like me!

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