Sushi's Hens Night

This is gonna be my last post about my Tokyo trip with my girls. The whole trip was planned to give Sushi a unique Hen’s Night so we couldn’t leave Japan without having at least one real hens’ night outing with some challenges!

We met some lovely Japanese people and 2 very friendly and helpful lads that took us to a hip hop club so we could have some girly fun! One of them actually knows Sharon Au (they studied together in Japan) and he was a little surprise when he found out she wasn’t kidding with him when she told him that she was pretty famous in Singapore… lol.

As a part of her hens night challenge, Sushi had to wear a singlet on which we wrote in Japanese – ” I’m going to be married soon. If you think I’m pretty, sign on my shirt!” or at least something along those lines.

And despite the language differences, it wasn’t too difficult a tasks cause the Japanese folks at the bar were really friendly and spontaneous! With most laughing away with us and happily congratulating Sushi. I’ll let the photos do the talking of our night out. You can click on the photo below if you want to see the larger version.

The night ended well with the singlet top filled with signatures! All from men of course except for the small little compliment on the front of the top that says ” You are really pretty” by one of the Japanese girls at the pub.

After all that partying, we slid on our trench coats and walked in the crisp morning air to the nearest Danny’s for some extremely early breakfast!

The boys came along with us. In Tokyo, the culture is that they party till dawn so they can catch the subway home.

Here are the food pictures!

The boys sent us home to our hotel after exchanging contacts. So sweet right?

We spent the rest of the next day shopping at Shibuya 109! We were too busy shopping that I didn’t have time to snap any photos! But you can be sure all of us were really happy with our purchases and wished we had more luggage space to bring back even more stuff!

I don’t normally blog about my buys but I’ll blog about a few items I absolutely regret not getting (or not buying more of ) at Peach John when I was at Shibuya 109.

Firstly is these 2 gorgeous apron. I felt it was a pretty frivolous buy since it is way too pretty (and expensive) to be dirtied in the kitchen but the moment I was on the plane I regret not getting it. Sigh. I really really like the blue one… and mildly considered the pink one cause it was on sale for 1/2 price.

Secondly, is these 2 pouches I bought for my girlfriends back home… I wanted to get another one for myself too but they only had 2 pieces in stock at the Shibuya 109 branch and I didn’t have time for them to transfer pieces over for pickup at another time.

Lastly is this Peach Johns Instant Make-Up Cream. Since Peach John is actually a lingerie store I didn’t trust their make-up products and only bought this tube on a whim cause I got attracted to the packaging and all it promises. But I find it to be really good! Fine and light textured and absolutely natural. It’s an all in one moisturizer, lifting primer, sunscreen SPF 25 PA++ and natural cover which is perfect for a lazy person like me. My make up routine consists of a 5 mins slap of this cream, eyeliner and falsies. Just 3 steps! And silly me only bought 1 miserable tube that will finish pretty soon! I should have tried it on in the store… then maybe I would have stocked up a few more.

So if any kind souls would like to help me buy these stuffs I left out on my trip please contact me at if not I have to make another trip to either Japan or Hong Kong (they have one Peach John outlet) hoping they still stock these limited edition items.

Finally the time to leave Japan and return to Singapore has arrived.

We grabbed our last meal together in Japan at the airport and spent the rest of the time shopping around for boxes of goodies, spending whatever yen we have left.

Sweet Sushi gave each of us this sweet cookie ball at the airport to thank us for the memorable hens night she had and wonderful time she had in Japan. It’s so pretty I couldn’t bear to eat it till the day before the expiry!

And I got quite a number of queries from readers and friends about my cabin luggage. This is the only few close up pictures I have. I checked in my large baby pink Lojel luggage and still had this many things to hand carry up with me into the plane… lol… I absolutely bought too much!

Here’s a video of the Sushi’s Hens Night and the girls at the airport to sign off the last post of this Tokyo trip. Hope you guys enjoyed the photos.



  1. deedee
    July 14, 2009 / 10:43 pm

    that’s a wonderful wonderful hen night for sushi!!! 😀

    and wah… all those foodie pics in all these entries… making me drool lah!!! i miss the food in japan!!! too bad i’m no longer working in a jap co… i’m teaching now wor~ kekeke…

    • July 15, 2009 / 3:19 am


      You’re teaching now!!! Wow… teaching what at where????

  2. deedee
    July 14, 2009 / 10:43 pm

    that’s a wonderful wonderful hen night for sushi!!! 😀

    and wah… all those foodie pics in all these entries… making me drool lah!!! i miss the food in japan!!! too bad i’m no longer working in a jap co… i’m teaching now wor~ kekeke…

    • July 15, 2009 / 3:19 am


      You’re teaching now!!! Wow… teaching what at where????

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