Superdrug Vitamins

Most of you might have heard of Superdrug in UK, one of the most trendy and popular drugstores with over 900 stores in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. But not all of you might know that Superdrug is also a part of the AS Watsons family. Now Superdrug range of Vitamins and Minerals can be found at your local Watsons store in Singapore.  I brought along a whole range for my London trip to try and take photos.

I love how the vitamins are all really affordable because maintaining your health shouldn’t be a pricey option. The price range for these vitamins are in the SGD9.90 to SGD14.90 range and would last you 2 months.

Personally, I like the chewable vitamin C one best cause I’m always falling sick when shuffling between different time zones and climates and Vitamin C keeps my immune system strong so I don’t have to spend my time feeling sick when I’m abroad!

And if you have little ones at home, it’s always good to start them early on a good healthy habit while they are young with one a day kids multi-vitamins since in this fast pace life, they may not always get all the vitamins they require from their daily meals.

At the affordable pricing and ease of availability at any Watsons store, I don’t see why I shouldn’t stay with these Superdrug vitamins.



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