{Sundays with Raphael} Pomi-T

After a long and tiring week of work, on one of the typical friday of a week, I got a surprise invite to a Pomi-T® health supplement event. I’m usually skeptical when it comes to health supplements, but my curiosity got the better of me as I wondered if it will be similar to some products in the past that I’ve come across in “multi-level networking” (MLM) selling schemes.


Pomi-T® was designed by a team of health experts led by UK Oncologist Professor Robert Thomas to boost immune system function. After an extensive review of the international laboratory and clinical scientific literature, the team combined superfoods from different categories (fruit, vegetable, spice and leaf) in order to provide a range of healthy polyphenols, each with their unique properties, while at the same time avoiding over-consumption of one particular type. 

Pomi-T has been studied specifically for use in promoting prostate health. Its well-studied ingredients are also known promoters of breast, heart, joint, liver, and immune system function. 

The Pomi-T formula is completely natural, containing no colours, preservatives, flavourings, bulking or chelating agents. Polyphenol rich food extracts have demonstrated anti-cancer effects in laboratory studies, particularly the four within Pomi-T.

Pomegranate contains natural antioxidant properties that inhibit the uncontrolled growth of cells by suppressing the enzymes in the intestine and liver that convert pro-carcinogens into cancer-causing agents, and causes cells to self-terminate. It also helps to reduce the migration of abnormal cells and aids the regeneration of health ones instead.

Broccoli slows the growth of malignant cells. Regular broccoli intake regulates genes linked to abnormal cell growth and promotes genes associated with the suppression of abnormal cells.

 Curcumin contains anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit the growth of abnormal stem cells, consequentially reducing the growth of abnormal cells that prevents the spread of damaged cells without harming healthy cells.

Green Tea has shown that it helps with the self-termination process of unhealthy cells. It inhibits the spread of damaged cells, retains good cells, and suppresses the formation of blood vessels that supply abnormal cells with nourishment.

The event was held at Au Petit Salut (a french restaurant located at Harding Road). I’ve never been there but have heard great reviews about the place from both people I personally know and from the online community Anticipating dishes to be served from their menu, it dawned upon me that the menu was curated to include key ingredients that defined Pomi-T® supplements. These key ingredients includes pomegranate, broccoli, turmeric and green tea.


Curated Dinner Menu @ Au Petit Salut


Maine Lobster, asparagus, broccoli, fresh pomegranate & tarragon dressing


Potato, broccoli and tumeric souffle


Roasted beef tenderloin, grilled broccoli, ‘Pommes Mousseline’ and red wine sauce.


Green tea parfait, jasmine sorbet and sable biscuit

Each of the key components that makes up Pomi-T were definitely evident in the dishes. During the event, there was no mentioning of anything remotely close to Pomi-T® as a product being marketed under any “pyramid selling” or “multi-level networking” scheme. Everything was centric focused on the benefits, trials, and studies performed to understand the effectiveness of the product which increased my confidence of the positive health motivation of this product.

If you like to understand Pomi -T in detail, this video will help you.

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_video link=”http://youtu.be/383bzFpwJ0k”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Pomi-T® is now available at all leading pharmacies and retails at $49.90 for 60 capsules. For more information, please visit http://www.pomi-t.sg and www.facebook.com/PomiTsg.



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