Stripped Bare Confessions

This is going to be a long post but there’s so much of wonderful experiences I want to share with you!

Sometime not too long ago, Strip – Ministry of Wax, asked if I was interested to test out their Brazilian wax. I was both keen to give it a go yet extremely afraid of the pain. If you guys don’t know by now, I have extremely low tolerance to pain. It absolutely doesn’t help that I have had no experience of waxing before. Not even underarms or legs!

Still, I was pretty game to check out Beauty Emporium at Dempsey. It was not at all disappointing. The whole place was quirky yet very relaxing and cozy and I had so much fun just browsing and chilling that it was hard to leave!

I brought along Clara and Sai Mun with me to try out the Brazilian and Boyzilian wax. Since all 3 of us were virgins to waxing our nether regions, even with the lovely atmosphere, we were all still jittery and excited.

For those who is still clueless about what a Brazilian/Boyzilian wax is, it’s basically the extreme form of bikini waxing where you strip everything bare! Not a shred of fluff left. Of course Stip also does services for other forms of bikini waxing, underarms, legs, etc. But we were there to try the all clean, zero-tolerance to pubic hair variety.

Clara has been nervous all day before we went while Sai Mun was a little more collected. Maybe it’s because he has been thinking about doing a Boyzilian for a year now and it was time for him to take the plunge.

So straight to the Strip counter we headed. It’s at the far end of the Beauty Emporium, nicely tucked it a private area.

We met Samantha who did a great job of warming us up and answering our questions about the procedure. They gave me a really good impression cause they were so confident and knowledgeable and it helps to know that you are in good hands.

The counter  staff also introduced us to their virgin to Brazilian guide book. I’m going to share this part with you all cause I was really impressed by how they came up with all these to minimize the fear of a first time waxing customers.

I definately agree with this one! ” The more you know, the less you fear.” Ask all the questions you need to know before heading in. There’s no need to be shy. It is the same reason why we always ask those who have done it before for their feedback and one of the main reasons why I am sharing my experiences here with you.

Strip is one of the most prominent and popular waxing services in Singapore and I can totally understand why. They have strict hygiene rules, uses the best wax and they have the speed to end the session in a breeze. You definitely don’t want to scrimp when it comes to any sort of waxing.

This step was a surprise to me and I don’t think there are any other waxing places that offer this. Bach flower extract is given to help calm you down. Clara and Sai Mun absolutely loved it!

Clara and Sai Mun seemed to be more at ease after taking their bach flower or at least it made them feel more prepared to conquer whatever comes their way next.

I think that other than the fear of pain, the biggest fear for virgin brazilian/boyzilian waxers is the fear of letting a stranger full excess to your most private areas. Sai Mun was shy about having to flash his parts! But once you are in the room, the professionalism of the therapist puts you so much at ease that you don’t feel awkward. They’ve seen it all and yours really is no big deal to them.

All prepped up and ready to go!

You can grab a squeeze toy for additional security.

Individual rooms for everyone so I followed Clara in while Sai Mun dealt with his experiences alone.

Here’s one last look at Sai Mun!

Lots of reminders everywhere to re-affirm your decision and remind you to breath.

A wet cloth for you to clean and prep yourself. And a brand new waxing kit just for you. All sterilized and new! See the number of wax applicator sticks they have? Thats because Strip has a policy of using a new stick each time they dip into the wax, assuring maximum hygiene.

Clara was all ready to go!!! Unfortunately, here comes the anti-climax. She shaved just a week ago and they can’t wax hair that is too short! So the lesson learnt is that you kinda need to let you hair grow for about 3 weeks since your last shave before you can wax!

But if you think that that’s all I have to share with you then you’re wrong! Because we both still got to do our Brazilian. Just that we did Brazilian IPL instead! IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and it’s the cutting edge of epilation technology. Every time you go for IPL (whether it’s for underarms or brazilian), you prolong the time the hair takes to grow back and the amount of hair that would grow. After 6-7 sessions you should be semi-permanently hair free!

I’ve got quite a few girl friends who have IPL packages and they tell me it can be quite painful as the light zaps away the hair follicles and it feels a little like short and sharp ant bites though the pain doesn’t last. But Strip had bought in some new IPL machines which are currently available at only 4 outlets that is 100% pain free! And I was eager to try it out! How could I resist to be more aesthetically pleasing without any pain factor!

The IPL process is actually really fast but before you begin, you need a clean shave. You could choose to shave at home first before coming but I recommend you do what I do and leave it to the professionals to handle it.

The first 2 seconds of flashing was a little shy for me but that was it. The professionalism of the therapist and her soothing voice took over and I just relaxed. Up on the ceiling I could read this reminder…

And looking straight ahead through the glass windows (you can choose to leave it close or open) is nothing but greenery. It was raining that day and some how the raindrops on the window was really calming.

Once you are prepped, you’ll be given these enormous shades to wear so you can protect your eyes from the bright lights during the process. And as promised, there was no pain at all!!! At some parts I felt a warming sensation similar to a hot towel but it wasn’t uncomfortable. In just a few minutes the whole thing was over!

I emerged back to the main area feeling happy, contented and a little silly for worrying so much about it. We headed to the test kitchen in the middle of the emporium to catch some freshly baked goodies and to chat about our experiences!

The test kitchen is exactly like the name suggests. They try out gorgeous great tasting recipes here and you get to sample all of it!

Very few things in this world feels and smells as good as freshly baked goods from an open kitchen. And the food really does taste better than it looks! The black forest cookies were a hot favorite and I fell in love with the pineapple tarts which had floral designs inspired by the peranakan tiles. Who knew you could make pineapple tarts look and taste so good!

The person responsible for churning all these goodies out is Nora! Talented and pretty, it’s hard not to be a fan!

Sai Mun who finished his Boyzilian wax was so happy with his wax then he was stuffing himself  with all the goodies! He looked so blissful I couldn’t tell if stamps from his new clean freedom or the power of the pastries.

I did a few Q & A with Sai Mun about his boyzilian experience and here’s what he shared.

Renzze: What is the reason or motivation for you to do a Brazillian/ Boyzillian.

Sai Mun: The girls will definitely like it better hehh 😉 and well hygiene.. i guess. haha

Renzze: How painful was it?

Sai Mun: Less painful than a tattoo. 4/10

Renzze: Did you feel shy or embarrass with the therapist?

Sai Mun: For like the first 10 seconds.

Renzze: Do you think they did a good job?

Sai Mun: Definitely! Swift and smooth!

Renzze: Would do it again?

Sai Mun: For sure!

Renzze: How did having a Brazillian/Boyzillian empowered you?

Sai Mun: In ways i’m sure you could imagine 😉 heheh

Renzze: Do you have any words for someone else who is thinking of trying a brazillian/ boyzillian?

Sai Mun: Think about the results, just keep thinking about the results.

I think Sai Mun’s answers pretty much echoes my sentiments, except for me it was an even better deal cause it was pain-free!!!! Clara loved it so much that she is considering signing a whole package and another friend Celeste who heard us rave about our experiences took a cab down immediately to have a go!

We were pretty much distracted otherwise by the food! We all loved the concept of the test kitchen where you try out what they have and then fill out the report card so they can improve on the recipes. Based on what we had though, I could hardly find any faults for them to improve on.

Here are our verdicts!

And if you are wondering how much those lovely cakes cost or if it’s going to be one of those absolutely beautiful but affordable foods. Here’s the most wonderful thing. You pay what you think it’s worth!!!! Yep! Any amount at all… if you don’t like it, don’t pay and if you think that the food was overwhelmingly good then tip accordingly. All the money goes to buying new ingredients and the running of the kitchen.

We’ve all been going gaga over the test kitchen and I can’t wait to pay them a visit real soon. In the words of Sai Mun “I LOVE THE TEST KITCHEN TTM!”

Hope you all gained more insights to brazilian/boyzilian waxing 🙂

And if you want more info you can check out Strip’s fan page on FB. They got lots of fun sexy information other then just waxing as well!

Oh and as always, my outfit shots.



  1. reinn
    May 25, 2013 / 5:58 pm

    Lovely dress!!! Where do you buy from??

    • May 31, 2013 / 2:03 pm

      Hi Reinn,

      Gosh! This was so long ago I can hardly remember. Probably got it off online.

  2. reinn
    May 25, 2013 / 5:58 pm

    Lovely dress!!! Where do you buy from??

    • May 31, 2013 / 2:03 pm

      Hi Reinn,

      Gosh! This was so long ago I can hardly remember. Probably got it off online.

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