Staying cute

TGIF! Sneaking in a quick outfit post on the blog before I go back to vetting through more reports. These days I’m usually in formal office outfits but once in awhile I like to indulge in my love for “kawaii” Japanese style of street dressing. I fell in love with the Japanese girly dress style in my teens and I never grew out of it. Now that I’m in my mid-thirties,  I wonder how long it will be before I can no longer pull off cutesy outfits such as this one.

I’ve also been on the sneakers and flats trend for close to a year now and my feet has never been more thankful. My love affair for heels will always be there but comfort is proving to be a strong contender in dictating my style choices in recent times.

Headband: Snidel
Top: Liz Lisa
Skorts: Liz Lisa
Shoes: Nike

Thanks for reading and I hope that we will all strive to stay young at heart.



  1. December 2, 2015 / 7:49 am

    We all go through ups and downs. Sing and enjoy the snecery when you are up’.When you are down’ look up! May the thoughts of others thinking about you, fill your days with sunshine.– Benedict, 32, editor

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