Snapshots of June 2013 {In Instagram}

A photo recap of what happened in June 2013.

@myjotterbook sent me a lovely surprise FiFi Lapin hand mirror in my mail.

 @reginachow_sg and @iewnujgno gave me these Decathalon microfiber towels which have been incredibly useful and I’ve been bringing them on my various trips!

Loving Tsubaki new formula and packaging. You can find it at any Watsons store in Singapore. Read my review about it here.

My first ever Sponge Bob Square Pants hot chocolate at Chock Full Of Beans.

A warm bowl of creamy mushroom soup on a rainy weekend at the stables.

Had so much fun filming my 60s theme video for my Best Vlog entry in this year’s Singapore Blog Awards. Thank you to my dearest friends for being so sporting and being there on such short notice. You can view the video – SNAP – here.

There was a  Member Only Sale on 12 Jun Wed! Featuring an unbelievable 10% POSB rebate on top of all the usual smashing crazy deals at Watsons. I love their sales.

Fish and chips for lunch after taking my dogs out for their walk.

When back to my fav hot chocolate joint and this time I had a LOVE Bear etched on my drink.

Lime Ripple ice-cream on a hot afternoon is delish! Didn’t know that there is such a flavour!

Tried yummy Taiwan Fruit Beer at the Singapore Beerfest Asia 2013 and I think I’ve just found my favourite beer.

Early morning. Selfie taken on the way to the studio to do hair and makeup for a filming session with channel U. Luckily I have my Glossi sunglass to keep the morning sun in check.

Here I am in the studio shooting a variety program. Here’s a secret, I never actually watch myself on TV because I think I will cringe. LOL.

Did a campaign for Aries Gold Watches. Love wearing men’s watches.

Wrote about 4 tried, tested and true date outfits.

Spent the day at the beach! I love the sun, sand and sea and got my wishes granted when I headed to Boracay in July courtesy of Tiger Air and Philippines Tourism Department. More about it soon!

I love combining my passions with blogging. Tried out making cinemagraphs for the first time.

Learnt a ton about whisky at Scotch Corner whisky appreciation class. You can take a peek at what I learnt here.

My Godson Lysander celebrated his 1st month in June.

I’m always excited to get parcels from @myjotterbook ! I’ve already used some of their clutches and jewellery in my daily outfits!

Tested out Instagram’s new video function with my furkid, Emmie.

June was a month of non-stop blogging and Hello Kitty snacks helped keep me energized as I write.

Had tea with @iewnujgno to welcome him back safely to Singapore after his mission trip to Afghanistan.

Belgium Waffles for dinner at Wild Honey with @reginachow_sg and @iewunjgno

Had a consultation with handsome Dr. Tan of EPW. He’s got such an eye for detail! If you are wondering, I’m thinking of lasering away my large pores around my nose.

Caught a late night movie. Pixar’s Monsters University was okay but I had greater expectations for it.


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