
I’ve never thought much about snails except that they are slimy and gross. They tend to come out after the rain and I hate to accidentally step on them cause the crack and the sinking feeling that I might have just killed one under my shoes gives me goosebumps. In fact, I silently curse the little snails for being so stupid and walking in the middle of the pathway at night where the chances of them being squashed is rather high. Shouldn’t they just stay in the grass! But after watching some snails in KL… my opinion of them changed.

This group of snails were lurking next to the man made pond… unable to reach the water plants. And then slowly and amazingly… they developed a way to reach the plants! One snail hung on for dear life to the side of the pond allowing the other snail to cling on to it so that it can stretch and reach out to munch on those juicy green leaves! It patiently waited till its’ friend had his fill before moving out of position and preparing for his turn to feed.

Snails aside, I had yummy ice dessert with An Drew. He brought us to this newly opened desert stall that served flavored snow!

It’s not just ice covered with syrup… the ice itself had milk and flavoring infused in it before being finely shredded into a snow-like texture!

The trip home to Singapore was wet and stormy… I’m really glad I wasn’t the one driving!

I wore a comfy jeans and a long sleeved top for the journey.



  1. 小心
    December 20, 2008 / 12:21 am

    The snails are amazing!

  2. 小心
    December 20, 2008 / 12:21 am

    The snails are amazing!

  3. December 20, 2008 / 3:19 am

    Ya! Haven’t seen you around much… guess I’ll probably see you in Jan?

  4. December 20, 2008 / 3:19 am

    Ya! Haven’t seen you around much… guess I’ll probably see you in Jan?

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