Slow poke

I’m calling myself a slow poke! Because I spread myself so thinly in the last year or so that I’m currently uploading December 2009 photos only to realize that I haven’t even blogged about my Christmas last year! And it’s already June. Gosh! My blog currently is a jumble of new and old events with no clear time line. I’m glad my lovely readers haven’t complained!

I’ll post up my Christmas posts in the next few days while I work on my New Year and Chinese New Year photos. Yes I know I haven’t done any of those as well!!!

Meanwhile, here’s shots I took of my quick Sakae Sushi lunch yesterday.

Not sure if it’s just me but I think Sakae Sushi’s standard seemed to be dropping through the years. I much prefer Sushi Tae these days. Or maybe it’s me who have gone picky as I get older.

Ended the meal with my favorite Lychee Mochi ice-cream.

Here’s the outfit I wore. The inspired wooden purple double C necklace I wore is a gift from my baby sister. She bought it for me when she was still out of work and told me that it serves as a reminder for both of us that when she earns enough one day, she’ll buy me a real Chanel from her own hard earned money since I’m always the one buying her stuff. I don’t really expect any payback from her (after all she’s my only sister) but still the thought was really sweet! Besides I think the purple is a perfect match for my birkin.



    • cittylady88
      June 24, 2010 / 5:57 pm

      @Renzze i love the color of yr birkin did u get it in singapore?

      • June 24, 2010 / 6:22 pm

        @cittylady88 Paris. In Singapore they have hardly any off the shelf colors.

        • cittylady88
          June 24, 2010 / 6:24 pm

          @Renzze cool how much did you pay for it? Issit a 30 or 25 birkin thanks

          • June 25, 2010 / 3:56 am

            @cittylady88 it’s a 25 and a gift so I’m not sure of exact price but I do own a black 35 that I got for €5900

  1. jac
    June 28, 2010 / 12:48 am

    U are right, sushi tei is much nicer nowaday 🙂

    • June 28, 2010 / 1:33 am


      Sushi tei is my quick fix these days!

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