Skinbiotics Yacht Trip

I’m not sure if you remember that I reviewed Skinbiotics and am currently still on it. But I never shared about how I got to know about it. It all started when I went on a yacht trip with some of these beauty and lifestyle bloggers to learn more about skincare.

The trip stated from the ONE°15 Marina Club. All of us were super excited to board the specially chartered yacht that had 4 cabin rooms and 2 restrooms! I did a quick outfit change in one of the cabins so I would be more comfy and we all lay on the bow of the boat as it moved out of the marina heading towards the different Singapore islands.

With the salty breeze and the setting sun, it was just a perfect way to spend a weekend, lying down and enjoying the sun while chatting to the rest of the girls.

Our captain, Mr Richard Koh took good care of all the girls and made sure we were all comfortable and happy. He is such a humorous guy, telling us lots of stories of his experiences with charter guests!  He also took care of our wonderful BBQ dinner that we had onboard that night!

Not only was Skinbiotic super generous in inviting us to this trip, we even had a Doctor onboard to answer all our questions on skincare be it related to skinbiotics or not!

Dr David Tan specializes in medical aesthetics and shared with us the beauty of having Skinbiotics is our daily routine as well as answered questions about other common aesthetic procedures and beauty questions we had.

The most common skin problems that women have is :

* pigmentation

* lines/wrinkles

*blemishes and pimples

Skinbiotics understands this and has made 3 different types of all natural, science based, comprehensive supplements to help women with these 3 major issues. For pigmentation or if you want to even out your skin tone, take Skinbiotics Reactiv 01. For deep lines, wrinkles or if your skin is very dry, take Reactiv 02. For acne, pimples, blemishes, take Reactiv 03!

Skinbiotics is clinically tested for efficiency with results as early as 4 weeks and within 8 weeks you can see very visible results. I’ve tried it personally and it’s true! I’m more convinced now then ever that nutri-supplements should  be a part of my beauty routine because while topical skincare is great, beauty supplements such as Skinbiotics, help to reach areas of your skin that topical creams cannot reach. Also by consuming such skincare supplements, you are assured that you take care of every area of skin on your body and not just your face and more obvious areas.


Everyone was listening intently to the information that Dr was sharing and we all learnt so much that day! About how the skin works, how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and what we need to watch out for. Here’s one main lesson I learnt which is great for those who are a little more lazy about beauty routines like I am. If there is one thing you can do to get better skin, it’s to avoid the sun. The UV rays are the most harmful to our skin and is the root of most of the common skin issues. But I’m sun loving and it’s impossible to avoid the sun at all costs so please put on sun block and take Skinbiotics.

Skinbiotics, doesn’t matter if it’s Reactiv 01,02 or o3, each one can minimize the sun damage to the skin! Most sun block or sun screen can only help to block out UVA or UVB harmful rays. The rest of the rays are called blue light and these cannot be blocked using topical applications. Skinbiotics contains Solarplex which will block UVA, UVB and blue light rays! If you take Skinbiotics and still use your usual sun block, you can protect your skin from the harmful rays by 7X!!!

Skinbiotics is not a miracle but a concoction from pure science and research! Fann Wong has been taking Skinbiotics from before it was launched and I want to work towards protecting my skin as well! Thank you Skinbiotics and Dr Tan for the valuable lessons I learnt!  If you want to start on your Skinbiotics as well, you can find it at any Watsons store!




  1. Abby
    October 19, 2012 / 4:18 am

    I have pigmentation problem and acne, which one should I take?

    • October 19, 2012 / 9:11 am

      Hi Abby,

      You can take Reactiv 01 for pigmentation and Reactiv 03 for acne. You can take up to 2 types at once but if you think it might be too costly, try taking Reactiv 03 for your acne first then when your skin clears up, you can take Reactiv 01 for the pigmentation. Meanwhile remember to put sunblock when you are heading out!

  2. Abby
    October 19, 2012 / 4:18 am

    I have pigmentation problem and acne, which one should I take?

    • October 19, 2012 / 9:11 am

      Hi Abby,

      You can take Reactiv 01 for pigmentation and Reactiv 03 for acne. You can take up to 2 types at once but if you think it might be too costly, try taking Reactiv 03 for your acne first then when your skin clears up, you can take Reactiv 01 for the pigmentation. Meanwhile remember to put sunblock when you are heading out!

  3. MS
    October 20, 2012 / 4:44 pm

    Yacht, not yatch.

    • October 20, 2012 / 10:10 pm

      Hi MS,

      Kudos for spotting the one super obvious yacht I misspelled! 🙂

  4. MS
    October 20, 2012 / 4:44 pm

    Yacht, not yatch.

    • October 20, 2012 / 10:10 pm

      Hi MS,

      Kudos for spotting the one super obvious yacht I misspelled! 🙂

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