Singapore Airshow 2012

Before I start my super long post with tons of photos about The Singapore Airshow 2012, let me first wish all my girl friends and female readers a Happy Women’s Day!

I was at the Singapore Airshow 2012 on both the trade days as well as the public day and it was absolutely day and night!

On the trade days, the dress code was smart casual so no shorts and singlets! There were much less crowds and you got to see a lot more static displays of airplanes which was great! I got to view of the new 787 Dreamliner and Jackie Chan’s plane.  It was also pretty fun being able follow Vernetta Lopez around as she did her Live Roving report for radio.

By the way, the pink Audrey lapel shirt dress I’m wearing is from Eternity Loft  ( and it fits like charm!

Public days on the other had was crazily crowded but the air was filled with a lot more excitement and OOOOHs and AHHHs from families and people from all over the region. They didn’t just come here because it’s business, they came to the Singapore Airshow because it’s the biggest aviation exhibition in Asia and they can catch a glimpse of the progression of technology and be fascinated and how men have taken control of the skies.


The flying display was obviously the highlight of the day. It was so mesmerizing seeing the planes zip pass right before our eyes, defying gravity, zooming straight into the clouds then emerging in triumph! I had 2 favorites I was hopelessly cheering for that day. The first one has got to be Tony Blair’s amazing stunt plane performance. When he did the ‘freefall’ on the Rebel 300, my heart sank along with it and when it soared again so did my spirits!

My next favorite is an easy guess. The Roulettes! The Roulettes are the current Royal Australian Air Force aerobatic display team and their demonstration was exhilarating! 18 aerobatic maneuvers were performed at a separation distance of less than 3 meters from aircraft to aircraft. It’s a beautiful illustration of precision, teamwork, synergy, trust and pure technical skill. I was totally wow-ed over! Even watching them a 2nd time on the public day didn’t make it any less amazing.

This was also the first time I got a close clear view of the B52 bomber! It was huge! The 2 thoughts that came to my mind when I first saw the B52 was if that was the plane I used for carpet bombing in the game ‘Generals’ and how did the drink B52 came to be associated with this plane. Super random I know!

The invited bloggers all had a great view of the whole ariel display from the private balcony of the restaurant. Clear wonderful view! The only complaint probably is that the weather was crazily hot! I had a slight sun burnt and that’s with sunscreen on!

I didn’t go around to see all the planes (there were just so many!) but I did make a stop at a few prominent ones! The Boeing 787 Dreamliner (no photos here but I instagram it that day.), the retired Boeing 747 from Singapore Airlines (yup, there’s gonna be no more iconic Boeing 747 planes for SQ passengers.), the unmanned drones (which is the future of flights) and F35- Lighting II which is one of the advance joint strike fighters.

And just before I left the Airshow, these planes were going pass my car so I really got to see them up close.


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