Short Hair, New Look

I think the title is as about straight to the point as it can get. And if you have been following me on twitter (@renzze) or instagram or Facebook then this is probably not very new news to you but I thought I ought to blog about it in case you couldn’t recognize me and say hi if you bumped into me on the streets. ( Seriously, that has happened to me a lot lately and people have to look twice to make sure it’s me!)

Well, I cut my hair short. I woke up one morning on Labour Day and decided on a whim that I needed a new look, marched myself to the salon and asked my stylist to chop it all off. No one knew I wanted to cut my hair short, I didn’t even know it myself! In fact, just 2 days before my sudden impulsion, I just bought a new hair clip to bun up my long hair while shopping with Regina!

A girl’s hair is her crowning glory and it’s always been said that a drastic change like this must have been brought about by an immense push, be it a change of lifestyle, a bad breakup, a new move, death in the family and so on. Honestly, I don’t know exactly what compelled me to chop my hair off. Just last year the thought of cutting off my hair totally scared me and  yet this time I didn’t think twice! Either way I wasn’t upset when I went to cut my hair, I just knew I’ll go through with it.

It was only when I was sitting in the salon chair that I notified some of my gfs about what I was about to do. Every single one of them said Nooooooooooo! LOL!


My hairstylist measured my hair which is at my hips when straightened, made sure I knew what I wanted. She then tied a rubberband and with one swift motion, she clipped off the entire pony tail. I cringed for a second and then it was over. No mourning of any kind as my stylist went about snipping my hair to shape.

And here is the end result…


I like my cut! Normally they say you need time to grow into a new haircut but I think my stylist did a great job! However, I do have to admit that I didn’t recognize myself in reflections and mirrors for the first 2 days and even though it’s been 5 days I’m pretty much still dealing with shocked looks from friends and family. Regina met me shortly after my hair cut and as even when I was right in front of her, she couldn’t recognize me till I was about 2 arms length! Others who have seen my instagram pictures of my short hair were a little more prepared but some still take awhile to realize it’s me.

Here’s the comparisons of before and after.

Friends and family who have been with me for years and the men, generally preferred me with my previous long hair. My colleagues, friends that don’t meet me that often and fellow bloggers say they prefer my new look much better. However, a lot of those who prefer me with long hair are changing their sentiments to you look good either way after getting used to my new hair style.

I think the short hair makes me my face looks rounder and my hair has more volume. My hair was dyed ash as well so I probably look a little more trendy then before. Head feels light without the long hair and shampoo consumption is definitely gonna drop. Maintenance of the hair is really easy and no styling is need at all! The only thing to remember is that I can no longer sleep with wet hair because the shape would look all funky when I wake up ( which could be a cool wake-up hair look if I can pull it off).

Feel free to share your thoughts about my new look! And for those who miss me with long hair, the good news is that you’ll still see me posting tons of  photos of me in long hair on my blog because I’m crazily backdated on so many photos and trips that I’ve yet to share with my readers. My blog is not exactly posted in chronological sequence anyways. 🙂

PS- Happy Vesak Day!



  1. Bargain queen
    May 5, 2012 / 1:58 pm

    U look refreshing in ur new hairdo!

    • May 7, 2012 / 2:11 am

      Thanks Bargain Queen 🙂

      Susan, every length as a unique look so you can experiment with different hairstyles at different length.

      Jing, I did my hair at Jeric Salon, Bugis by my regular stylist, Michelle. She dyed a slight ash shade for me. It’s probably as light as I can go without bleaching my hair.

  2. Bargain queen
    May 5, 2012 / 1:58 pm

    U look refreshing in ur new hairdo!

    • May 7, 2012 / 2:11 am

      Thanks Bargain Queen 🙂

      Susan, every length as a unique look so you can experiment with different hairstyles at different length.

      Jing, I did my hair at Jeric Salon, Bugis by my regular stylist, Michelle. She dyed a slight ash shade for me. It’s probably as light as I can go without bleaching my hair.

  3. Susan
    May 5, 2012 / 2:19 pm

    Omg!! You are gutsy! I would never be able to cut my hair so short if my hair is as long as yours. My hair grows so slow!

  4. Susan
    May 5, 2012 / 2:19 pm

    Omg!! You are gutsy! I would never be able to cut my hair so short if my hair is as long as yours. My hair grows so slow!

  5. jing
    May 6, 2012 / 6:46 pm

    Where did you dye your hair? And can you remember the exact shade u dyed? The color looks nice!

  6. jing
    May 6, 2012 / 6:46 pm

    Where did you dye your hair? And can you remember the exact shade u dyed? The color looks nice!

  7. Gigi
    May 7, 2012 / 9:46 pm

    I think you look younger with shorter hair!

  8. Gigi
    May 7, 2012 / 9:46 pm

    I think you look younger with shorter hair!

    • May 25, 2012 / 5:39 am

      Hi Miss Vodka,

      Thanks you! It’s a huge change for me.

    • May 25, 2012 / 5:39 am

      Hi Miss Vodka,

      Thanks you! It’s a huge change for me.

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