Shiseido 40th Anniversary

It was another day at work but instead of casual Friday, I wore this pretty dress (given to me by dear Sushi) under my blazer in anticipation of the Shiseido’s 40th Anniversary party that evening.

The party was a few weeks back but all my travelling made it almost impossible for me to upload the pictures to do up this post. But it’s never too late! Especially since their 40th Anniversary celebrations are still on going!

Arriving at their headquarters, our lovely hosts took us around to show us the history of Shiseido and the reason for success with countless of women all over the world. As their current campaign reads ” This Moment, This Life, Beautifully”.

I marveled at their beautiful adverts and symbols of Shiseido that they’ve adopted through the years. Mostly I came to see how Shiseido is an art form in its own right with many of their artworks, collaboration with various artists. Simple, elegant and beautiful. A perfect blend of Japanese technology with French sophistication.

There are countless of memorable advertising but the 2 above are my personal favorites and strike a chord with me in their very simple yet telling form.

A look at their current products show how much Shiseido has grown. As Shinzo Fukuhara, Shiseido’s first president says ” Let the product speak for itself”.

Remember the White Lucent Range I blogged about earlier? Has it been as good to you as its been to me? The success of Shiseido’s White Lucent range is the result of decades of research. They became a pioneer in the whitening skin care industry with the launch of Freshure in the 1970s.

The company is now a beauty powerhouse with 6 brands – Shiseido, Cle de Peau, Ettusais, Shiseido Professional (hair), Za and Majolica Majoraca. Their extensive ranges covers women of all ages in all their needs and price ranges.


While Shiseido has many products in the last 40 years, the most enticing one for me was their perfume, Zen, which they produced in tandem with the opening of the Olympics in Japan in 1964. Zen is a masterpiece that I wished I remembered to grab off my mother’s shelf before she cleared all her old stuff away.

As with any celebrations, there was loads of Japanese sushi, pastries and sake!

Kampei to Shiseido!

It was also a great opportunity to catchup with some familiar faces and supporters of Shiseido.

Everyone is incredibly kind, friendly and full of enthusiasm. Most of them are beauty pros which I will gain lots of insights from; seeing that I’m in the infancy stage of dabbling with beauty and skin care innovations.

Thank you Shiseido and Happy 40th anniversary. I’ll look forward to many great years ahead with even more innovations and products from you guys. The gift of richness, human science and “omotenashi” (hospitality in Japanese) will remain in hearts for many years to come.



  1. Cheryl
    June 11, 2010 / 10:40 am

    Hi Renzze
    Very pretty dress and so are you 🙂
    Have great weekend 🙂


    • June 13, 2010 / 7:35 am


      Thank you! Enjoy your weekend too!

  2. Cheryl
    June 11, 2010 / 10:40 am

    Hi Renzze
    Very pretty dress and so are you 🙂
    Have great weekend 🙂


    • June 13, 2010 / 7:35 am


      Thank you! Enjoy your weekend too!

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