Shills and Beauty Bistro presents Miss July Lin

About a month or so back, I was invited by Beauty Bistro and SaSa to attend a beauty demonstration event by taiwan celebrity beauty guru, Judy Lin. She is a top beauty expert in Taiwan, author of many beauty books and one of the teacher’s in the popular taiwan show “nu ren wo zui da”. She’s the beauty consultant to many Taiwan celebrities and I was looking forward to learning a couple of trick from her.

I got to learn her tips on how to lose weight, get crystal clear skin and achieving voluminousness hair. The fat loss demonstration using SHILLS Miracle-Lift Body Contour Control HOT was really interesting because there was immediate inch loss of the contestant’s arm within 10 minutes of massaging the product.  If you want the easy way out, you can use ANOSA Fit Patch and stick one on your fatty areas while you sleep. Just stick the whole patch or to gain more effectiveness, cut it up to strips and paste it in a round circle like the guy in my picture.

Personally however, I am not as interested in the weight loss products as I am on the hair products. I permed my hair some time back but it’s pretty much died off and my natural hair structure is pretty arrow straight. It’s difficult to maintain volume in hair especially in Singapore because of the humid climate and it doesn’t help that I have extremely fine hair as well.  The products that expert Judy Lin used during her segment were SHILLS Magical Hair Volumizer With Camellia ExtractsSHILLS FLUFFY FIX Maximizing Hair Volume Spray and SHILLS Dust It! All of which is humidity resistant and can increase your hair volume by 3 times. It worked well on the model on stage and though I was given the products, I’ve yet to try them myself because my busy schedule. Would definitely give it a go soon.

She also covered on skin care and introduced the whole range of Shills whitening products. The only one that caught my eye was the Shills moisturizing and whitening cold gel mask. It’s proven to lower your skin temperature by 1 to 2 degree Celsius after application and I think it’s perfect for those super hot days!

It was a very interesting show and pretty similar to what you would get when you watch “nu ren wo zui da” on tv. There was an interview session with Judy Lin after the show but as I had another appointment, I had to give it a miss.

Anyways, here’s the outfit I wore that day.



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