Shannon's Birthday

As I mentioned in my previous post, after the afternoon with my parents we headed down for Shannon’s 21st birthday party. Shannon, my sister’s boyfriend, has been a close part of the family for the longest time so it’s natural that we would all be there for his 21st! The video above gives an short intro about Shannon.

His dad catered a whole spread from Botak Jones which were really popular with the guests! There were so many people that night I probably missed some of them in these pictures.

Everyone was pretty fascinated with Shannon’s cosplay props that night. He really is one talented dude. He makes all his costume from scratch including my sister’s Gundam Girl outfit and mask.

There were so many helium balloons I wanted to take them and run! Maybe they could lift me just a little off the ground! 

I guess the video below would be a better show of the whole party.

*Note to Shannon – I actually have the DVD version with a longer videos and some other “special” footage not included in this post. I’ve been meaning to pass it to you be haven’t got around to doing so.*

And also if you’re wondering in the video why I left the party early? Well, that very eventful Sat night we went down to Changi Airport to send dearest Jill off to Shanghai! And I’ve put that up in the next post!


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