SH trying out the foods I've posted before

SH was keen to try out some of  the yummy food stuff I posted up on my blog before so we headed down for him to try our famous Singapore Katong Laksa!

And he gave it a thumbs up approval!

After lunch we headed over to buy durian puffs and then to the Smelly Toufu store in Joo Chiat.

If you read my smelly toufu post before, you’ll know how I can’t stand the smell of it but I always compromise for friends. So there we were once again at the smelly toufu store.

SH loved it so much he unbelievably  ordered 2 plates and finished them clean! This was right after lunch too! Gosh! I wasn’t so daring and ordered a plate of Taiwan friend chicken pieces instead.

After that awesome meal we tried to burn it all off on mini-golf! I didn’t take pictures cause SH took photos and I havent gotten them back from him but there’s the video!

We were so silly and this mini golf wasn’t as easy as it looks. Well at least it’s pretty hard if you are trying to get par and below. And I am really bad at mini golf! Some of the kids there are regulars and they are so good!

And lastly, the usual posting ofmy outfit that day.



  1. Yuki
    April 15, 2010 / 4:27 pm

    aiya y not selling yr this nice outfit..haha..

    • April 15, 2010 / 5:56 pm

      Yuki, actually, I sold of a white version of this dress at a yard sale I put up sometime last year.

  2. Yuki
    April 15, 2010 / 4:27 pm

    aiya y not selling yr this nice outfit..haha..

    • April 15, 2010 / 5:56 pm

      Yuki, actually, I sold of a white version of this dress at a yard sale I put up sometime last year.

  3. April 19, 2010 / 2:23 pm

    Wow, that dress is really lovely 😀 You look very pretty in it 😀

    • April 19, 2010 / 3:57 pm


      Thank you!

  4. April 19, 2010 / 2:23 pm

    Wow, that dress is really lovely 😀 You look very pretty in it 😀

    • April 19, 2010 / 3:57 pm


      Thank you!

  5. April 20, 2010 / 4:53 pm

    Hi Karen,

    Can i have the address for the smelly tofu store @ Joo Chiat? =) Thanks!

    • April 20, 2010 / 11:56 pm


      It’s near the “Everything with Fries” store which is at 458 Joo Chiat Road. I can’t remember the address of the taiwanese shop itself but there’s a huge smelly toufu sign outside.

  6. April 20, 2010 / 4:53 pm

    Hi Karen,

    Can i have the address for the smelly tofu store @ Joo Chiat? =) Thanks!

    • April 20, 2010 / 11:56 pm


      It’s near the “Everything with Fries” store which is at 458 Joo Chiat Road. I can’t remember the address of the taiwanese shop itself but there’s a huge smelly toufu sign outside.

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