SH last day in Singapore

A quick update. I’m back in Singapore though I do expect a pretty busy week. I’ve got so much to share with you all too and I need to get cracking at watermarking my photos and uploading them so I can tell you all about the big strip!

Meanwhile, here are photos taken when SH was in Singapore. It was his last day and all he wanted was chicken rice even though he already had it! So we took him to Boon Tong Kee since I really like the fried toufu there as well.

I’m sure I’ll see SH back in Singapore again sometime this year. And hopefully together with the whole gang! I promise to take you to eat more chicken rice! LOL.

My outfit that day.



  1. wenniee wenn
    April 19, 2010 / 3:44 pm


    i wish to get this dress~~

    pls let me the detail for payment~~
    email me at

    thank you~~

    • April 19, 2010 / 3:58 pm


      I’m sorry but that dress is already pending a buyer. I’ll let you know if she decides not to go through with it.

  2. wenniee wenn
    April 19, 2010 / 3:44 pm


    i wish to get this dress~~

    pls let me the detail for payment~~
    email me at

    thank you~~

    • April 19, 2010 / 3:58 pm


      I’m sorry but that dress is already pending a buyer. I’ll let you know if she decides not to go through with it.

  3. wenniee wenn
    April 19, 2010 / 6:36 pm


    thank you~~

  4. wenniee wenn
    April 19, 2010 / 6:36 pm


    thank you~~

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