School in KL

Before I start this post, let me first state that this is not my school nor have I studied here before. I was just a visitor. The reason for this disclaimer is that I have a number of people that would look at my photos and just scan without reading the full post. Which is fine, but sometimes they tend to jump to conclusions too!

My friends in KL were telling me about their old school days and the many stories! How they played truant or made the teachers angry. And since their school was just around the corner, we decided to go in to take a peek at how the school has changed over the years.

I had fun touring around the place and according to Andrew, the school has undergone many changes and no longer looks the same. I, of course, wouldn’t know the difference.  But I do feel that the school has a very old school vibe to it.

Most of my friends from KL were in scouts and it was quite a discovery when we found that they still had photos of them put up in the scouts notice board! Spending time with my friends reminiscing about their old school makes me want to visit mine in Singapore. But I guess it probably wouldn’t feel the same since my whole school had a huge face lift and looks absolutely different and new now.



  1. Coconut
    January 28, 2011 / 12:59 pm

    You’ve got beautiful tresses… 🙂

    • February 11, 2011 / 2:27 am


      Thank you!

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