Sashimi, Sushi & Silly Girls

Koji wanted sashimi and sushi so we ended up in this old school joint in Ikebukuro after our shopping adventures. It definitely a local joint cause none of the staff spoke any English and the menu was in Japanese with no pictures at all!

Still we managed to order a barrage of food! And the seafood was fresh! But then again I’ve yet to hear of bad seafood in Japan… or at least in the Tokyo region. Their standards are pretty high.

After dinner was back to the hotel for some major packing!

We all bought so many stuff we had to strategize our packing space! Sushi and I were in the same room. (We moved into normal rooms from the tatami room the day before.)

This side of the room belongs to Sushi dear.

And this side of the mess belongs to me! As you can see there’s lots of things to pack!



    • July 4, 2009 / 5:43 am


      lol… looking at them makes me hungry too!

  1. July 4, 2009 / 9:42 am

    Renzze, the more I read your post, the more I want to go Japan… LOL…. 🙂 I know you dun post your shopping loots, but I wish you will, especially the blue labels….. hahaha…….

    • July 5, 2009 / 8:18 am


      Lol… Japan is always a fun place to visit! For culture, for food, for scenery or for shopping! I didn’t take pictures of the stuff I purchased but I can tell you that I bought 2 black checks version of Burberry Blue totes.

  2. amelia
    July 13, 2009 / 1:49 pm

    how much is your luggage cost which u hv bought it fm Japan?

    • July 13, 2009 / 6:50 pm

      amelia, the luggage is about SGD300- 400… can’t remember exactly.

  3. Iryn
    July 27, 2009 / 1:47 pm

    u go by tour package or free & easy ?
    If package , which package ? How much ? Which mth did u went ?
    Which airlines ?
    =) thanks

    • July 28, 2009 / 9:56 pm


      Almost all my holidays are free and easy. I personally hate to be constricted by tour packages. I took SIA and was in Tokyo in May. I used a good mix of cash and credit cards. Credit cards are widely accepted thought the rates via cash is usually better.

  4. Iryn
    July 27, 2009 / 1:47 pm

    in japan , do u use cash or credit cards more ?

  5. Iryn
    July 29, 2009 / 9:28 am

    Thanks Renzze

    wow .. u r so li hai … all are free n easy .. did u b4 hand plan ur itinerary ?

    my mum’s friend , Msian .. she went europe last mth .. they didn’t accept her credit cards .. she told to pay cash to purchase the LV products .. they dun accept Msia credit cards ?

    • July 29, 2009 / 2:35 pm


      I’ve been to Tokyo several times before so I sorta know where and how to go. It’s easier to plan that way. I had a rough idea of what we wanted to cover in our time there but the real decisions were made in Tokyo itself.

      I had no problem using my credit card in the LV boutique in Paris so I’m not sure why your mum’s friend’s card was rejected.

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