
Took a little trip to Salisbury to see the Salisbury Cathedral. It was a really cold day so for lunch we stopped by a little bed and breakfast place for some local delights.

It felt so good to be in such a warm homely place with lovely food! And the best thing for me on a cold winter’s day is always hot chocolate. I don’t really take coffee so hot chocolate with lots of hand whipped cream is my little addiction and in winter I can have hot chocolate up to 5 times a day! Hopping into a cafe or every time I see one! Many of my favorite travel memories have my favorite comfort drink involved.  In New York, drinking hot chocolate in Starbucks and watching snow fall outside while hearing Christmas songs playing in the cafe; having home made hot chocolate with marshmallows in a outdoor jacuzzi in a wooden cabin in the middle of the woods on the top of the  great old smoky mountai range in the Tennessee-North Caroline border; having a flask of hot chocolate while lying on the beach admiring the sunset on the bluish green waters of the Caribbean seas in the autumn… I really could go on but I’m guessing that you already get my fondness with hot chocolate and winter.

Anyways, I digress. The lunch was lovely and I love love love the pumpkin pie I had for dessert! Huge piece but it was all gone in no time.

I’m heading out for Sunday brunch with some lovely ladies so I better stop writing and head out. Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll share more soon.


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