Rachel K 1st Year Anniversary

If you are a beauty enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of Rachel K products and more essentially, her CC creams. I was invited to Rachel K’s 1st year anniversary little blogger party some time back but didn’t have time to collage my photos till now. Rachel Kum, founder of Rachel K cosmetics developed a groundbreaking cosmetics face cream when she created CC cream. I’m sure most of us would have heard of BB (Blemish Balm) creams before but what is CC cream? CC cream stands for Color Corrector Cream and it does exactly what it says and more! Skin tone is immediately evens out and has a dewy glowing finish.  The fully mineralized cream is suitable for  sensitive skin and has oil control which is fantastic for our very hot and humid weather in Singapore.

Following the success of this CC cream with hoards of converts from international beauty queens to beauty bloggers and a growing fan base in Asia, Rachel K has rolled out an additional “neutral” version in pink while retaining their original version in black. The original version works great on all skin tones and is light, and smooth when applied to the skin. The neutral version has the same effects as the original version but I personally feels looks better on fairer skin tones and is even more light weight for a “no make up” look. Mind you, even the “no make up” version makes your skin instantaneously smoother and more radient!

If you feel that you want a little more coverage for a long day, you can brush some of Rachel K mineral CC pressed powder over your CC cream application. I love the design of the casing with the crystals! It’s so pretty to bring around!

Rachel K cosmetics can be found exclusively in my favorite beauty store, Watsons. Since Watsons is almost found everywhere, there is no reason not to pop in and try on of the CC creams. If you are a BB cream user, I promise you won’t regret giving this a try. And if you haven’t tried any sort of blemish cream, I think Rachel K’s CC cream would probably make you a convert!




  1. Sassy
    May 23, 2012 / 5:17 pm

    Is it really good? I’m using Vichy BB cream now but I wanna change. Is this better?

    • May 25, 2012 / 5:46 am

      Hi Sassy,

      You should definitely give this a try if you are already a BB cream user. I haven’t tried Vichy BB cream so I’m not sure how it compares.

  2. Sassy
    May 23, 2012 / 5:17 pm

    Is it really good? I’m using Vichy BB cream now but I wanna change. Is this better?

    • May 25, 2012 / 5:46 am

      Hi Sassy,

      You should definitely give this a try if you are already a BB cream user. I haven’t tried Vichy BB cream so I’m not sure how it compares.

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