Pre- CNY 2012

Alright, after all the procrastination, I’m finally posting up my CNY photos on my blog this week. (Yes, I know CNY was 2 months ago).

Well, this year Chinese New Year was in January which is a little too early in my opinion. I barely had time to recover from Christmas and New Year and had to think about Chinese New Year! I normally would bake a lot more goodies in preparation of the Chinese New Year but I had very limited time this year so I focused on making pineapple tarts.

I used the same recipe that Sushi’s mum taught me last year and since I didn’t want to bake alone, her mum so kindly extended the invitation for me to go to her place to bake again this year! Many thanks to auntie and Sushi for helping out! It’s just so much more festive when you are baking with company!

In exchange, I taught Lisa how to make macaroons. These were all solely her effort! She’s a fast learner and she tried it on her own while we were busy making the pineapple tarts in the kitchen!

Since this CNY I was intending to be away for the bulk of it, Sushi held a pre-CNY steamboat party for all of us. She makes one of the best steamboat hosts! Her offerings are always so wonderful and fresh with a whole selection of seafood and quality cuts of meats! Everyone invited to her steamboat party were stuffed in the best way possible. It’s a pity I’m allergic to seafood and had to stick to the meats and other non-seafood selection cause she bought these huge scallops that were a hit with the guests! Looking at the food now makes me so hungry! I came after work but was dressed extremely casual that day . Around my neck is the Marc Jacob perfume necklace that Eunice made for me for Christmas! *Love*

I spent a couple of suppers during my pre-CNY week to catch up with Clara and Rapheal who were back from Australia for the CNY period. No photos but I really miss and enjoy their company.


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